
A lighthouse

Welcome to Watchword devotionals. Watchwords have been a feature here at since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, when thee were first sent to the men in my Bible Study group. The number now receiving Watchwords has now grown to nearly 100 subscribers and, as of December 2022, more than 800 installments have been sent via e-mail.

Each one contains a scripture passage or two, a short meditation, an occasional announcement or other inspirational or humorous feature, and a closing prayer.

Subscribers are encouraged to contribute short meditations or inspirational stories, prayer requests, news, poems or just a bit of humor – and they do.

Here are a couple of the most recent Watchwords.

  • WPF - WPF: There are multiple instances in the scripture where Jesus has initiated a healing, a miracle. Where He provided a banquet for thousands out of a single young boy's lunch, raised a little girl from a death-bed, or a friend, long buried. Those are called miracles, and rightfully so. You may be wondering what WPF means. My daughter gave me this little figure of a pig with wings. It stands 2 inches by 2 inches, heavy, like it is made of bronze, signifying When Pigs Fly, something unexplainable, difficult, maybe impossible, that happened. Over the years she and I have often laughed and marveled at what the Lord has done in our lives. Things beyond our plans, or even our imaginations. That is true for you as well. Continue reading
  • Milestones - Milestones: Today, Monday, May 6, is our anniversary. The number assigned is not as important as the meaning for which the anniversary is significant for both of us. We all have anniversaries. Love often plays an important role in making an event or date significant enough to acknowledge and celebrate, to remember. Love is not premeditated; in its purest form it is spontaneous; it leaves an indelible mark on us in extraordinary ways. We don't deliberately consider the role of God when we conclude that this date, this anniversary is God blessed, but the fact is, love in a relationship can only flow from one source. Continue reading

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If you have thoughts or humorous items
to contribute, please feel free to Contact me

I am now usually sending out Watchwords on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but sometimes at other times (especially around holidays).

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A footnote. I know that we use a lot of different Bible commentaries in our studies and they are helpful. One that I like is Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik. He really speaks to me in language that even I can understand, and he is very thorough as he goes through chapter by chapter. Another feature of his writings is that he does not hesitate to quote other theologians in order to make a clear point.