
Dialog With Jesus


Gary Morgan, Prayer warrior, is asking us to consider these questions and to share back to our network.

“What has God done for you?  In your heart of hearts, what is He doing for you now?

Consider those personal questions and please share your thoughts, a sentence or two, an observation, an idea or two.

In the Daily Bread reading for today, there is a short commentary on 2 Kings 6, speaking of an iron axehead that floated: The simple miracle enshrines a profound truth: God cares about the small stuff of life – lost axeheads, lost glasses, lost phones, (lost freedoms) – the things that cause us to fret. He doesn’t always restore what’s lost, but He understands and comforts us in our distress.  The companion scripture passage is 1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.


Meditation About Prayers:

Yesterday, I couldn’t find the words or thoughts to share. Then, early in the afternoon, a wrote a short essay out of pure inspiration. This morning I revised that piece and dedicate it to all of you prayer warriors.

A Dialog with Jesus

And Jesus says, just keep in touch. Don’t worry about the Prayers, they will come. The important thing is the communication, it’s the human, I created, reaching out to Me.

Don’t worry about the Prayers, they will come. In My own time, they will come. Stay tuned, always stay tuned to Me, the Lord and your fellow man. Do not lose touch.

Don’t worry about the Prayers, they will come as inspiration springs from thoughts and calls and compliments and criticisms, from feelings, from isolation and loneliness, and even from a loss, for, My Child, I know all of this. So, don’t worry about the Prayers, they will come.

But, Lord, I do worry about the Prayers. I seek that time when Prayers just flow, and form sentences, into paragraphs into essays, and into books of my love for you.

I do worry about the Prayers. Prayers that I want to say, what I want them to say. To lift up others, to move them beyond loneliness, beyond loss, to that special place where smiles begin, and faith is restored.

I know, my son, but, don’t worry about the words you use, I read your heart.

But, my Lord, I do worry about the Prayers, for I want them to be just right. I want them to speak, not just to You, but to echo throughout your Kingdom, line upon line.

My Child, My Child, I know you worry about your Prayers for often they are for others, I know them before you speak them. Your prayers are founded upon emotions, and imaginations, and remembrances of good times and times of pain and loss. Focus not on the past, dear child, focus on blessings. Focus on Me.

But, Lord, I do worry about the Prayers, for somewhere deep, if they should come, a prayer followed by another and another, and soon all thought and feelings are formed. Soon my true prayer to you magically appears and, if blessed by You, my Lord, those Prayers may touch others.

My Son, you worry too much about lessor things. My Love for you, is enough to overcome all worry. What is important? Your love-thoughts, and the knowledge that My Peace is sufficient.

You say I should never worry about the words I use in my prayers? Really, my Lord and Savior? My love-thoughts are sufficient in themselves? Oh!

As Your Peace settles around me, Lord, I know in my heart that my love-prayers will find a partner, a neighbor, long-lost friends, blessings of a beach at sunset, a child’s face, a placid lake, a snow-covered mountain, all gifts and graces from You, all wrapped in my prayer-thoughts, all gifts to, and from, You.

Thank you, Lord. Prayers do come and they find themselves a partner, and my heart is stirred with gratitude.  Amen.

© 2022 Stan Escott


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