
Tuesday, May 5 – Cinco de Mayo!


God’s Revelation to Elijah: 11 The Lord said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. 1 Kings19:11-12



Cinco de Mayo!

Cinco de Mayo, everybody! Time to celebrate! Drink up! Oh, what are we celebrating? Nothing, really. This is the day celebrated by bartenders everywhere! The distilleries are alive with music. Some believe that we celebrate Mexican independence, but, no. That is in September. Then what? The Virgin Mary? No. How about Kahlo? Or Hidalgo? Juarez? What then? Tequila!  Drink up!

Is that a false holiday? Maybe, depends of how you look at it. Maybe celebrating a day, any day, is a good thing. Which is more important? The day, or the celebration?

Many of us have had the experience of the Cursillo Weekend, and have come away with a powerful, uplifting spirit, as we embrace or reembrace our faith in Christ. That is a good thing. But, we must realize, the experience is not the spirit, the experience is simply the door through which the Spirit comes into our conscious level so that we are aware of what has taken place at a much deeper level of our being. Did you follow that? Celebration is good, but the Spirit is better.

When I was 37 or so, I was a strong Christian, or so I thought.  Then, I got some wake up calls; the threat of bankruptcy, increasing stress with teenage kids, etc. etc. Somewhere in the midst of all that chaos I was confronted with the fallibility of what I considered my faith. Then I had “the experience”.  Through some people’s actions and some circumstance, I had a ‘born again experience’. Celebrate!

From that point on, when I would speak about my faith journey, I would highlight that ‘born again experience’ as proof that I was, indeed, a strong Christian, or so I thought.

I was ‘out of kilter’. I was telling my story wrong! The feeling of being born again is not the transforming experience. What makes the transformation is the great thought of God behind the experience. The purpose of our stories, telling our faith journeys, isn’t us, you and me. The purpose is to convey the Good News. That powerful feeling of being born again? That Cursillo high? That is just the celebration, announcing the Good News!


Bulletin Board:

Reminder: You mask for them, they mask for you! Don’t forget your mask.

Mom’s Wisdom:
1. If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can’t go to the store with me.
2. When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don’t come running to me.
3. One day you’ll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you. Then you’ll see what it’s like!
4. The Second thoughts: You know, if you think you can… You’ve got a second thought coming.

From our Poet Laureate:

Of God and Man

Down to the sea I go, to read a book and rest my soul.
I sit and read and read then read some more, until at last my eyes grow weary.
I pause and watch as endless people trod to and fro;
each intent upon making their footprints upon the sand.
As if to say, “Look at me God, I exist, I belong, here I am.”
Slowly, surely the incoming tide laps at the shore; like a hungry cat at her bowl.
The setting sun signals retreat to the comfort of hearth and home.
During much of the night wind and rain did blow.
I arise before the sun and return to the shore to find a clean, unmarked, pristine sand.
I stand and muse at mankind’s feeble attempt to change God’s eternal plan.



Closing Prayer:

Praying Psalm 46 – Heavenly Father, you are our refuge and our strength in the face of the trouble that surrounds us. Because we rest in that truth, we will not fear. Though everything that we thought we knew and found comfort in has changed, though all those things we felt were so important, no long are of great value. Though trouble, not of our making, draws closer and seems to be overtaking us, sweeping us into the unknown, we are not afraid. We know the Truth and the Light that overcomes this present darkness. That Truth is You, Lord. That Light is You, Lord. We are Yours, Heavenly Father, and because of that Truth, we know You are the Way. We give it all to You, Lord, in the name of Your Son, Jesus, The Christ.  Amen.


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