Looking for an earlier Watchword?
- Spiritual Ears - Spiritual Ears: What is God saying to us in the scope and flow of our lives, even through those rough places we would rather not revisit? Are you listening? His Spirit is speaking. For the disciples, at first it was something different. Perhaps they all knew what John, Peter and James had witnessed in Jesus ascending to God. So, when they were told to stay in Jerusalem until the “Helper”, a “Comforter” would come that would somehow take the place of Jesus. That is not what they wanted. The wanted Jesus to stay, but they had no choice. So, they waited. Continue reading
- Fearless Faith - Fearless Faith: I read in the news about a teenager who was escorted out of a shopping mall by police for wearing a “Jesus Christ is Lord” tee-shirt. How could that be? Why not? We’ve taken Jesus out of our schools, off the playgrounds, off our government buildings, so, why not take Him off the clothes of our backs? That’s okay. Doesn’t hurt me. Not my shirt. How about, “Love others as I have loved you.” How about that? Love others? Not those people! You know that Thomas Jefferson had the “red-letter Bible” created to highlight the “most important parts”, mostly those parts he agreed with. Interesting. Do you suppose we should have a “purple-letter Bible” to highlight those parts we simply can’t and won’t abide? That way we can skip right over some parts and not worry about them. Continue reading
- Simple Faith and Plain Truth - Simple Faith and Plain Truth: Is there such a thing as simple faith and plain truth in this age, with politics gone amok, and governments injecting themselves into the family structure? Something is wrong with this. I recently read an article that asked the question, should church be involved in politics? My impulsive first answer was, of course not! But how can that be? I think it is interesting to note what Paul instructed Timothy to do. He called Timothy, and the church he was leading, to pray. Prayer was the abiding call of the church. Continue reading
- Where’s Your Imagination? - Where’s Your Imagination? Are you in love with Bora-Bora, Fiji, or perhaps your taste runs more toward Nantucket Island, or maybe the prairies of Wyoming, or the food of Italy. What are your preferences, and how were they shaped? Did you imagine yourself as a detective solving the most difficult of cases. Maybe you imagine yourself in a Hallmark romance.A skillful writer can make us feel like we have entered the very heart and lives of some very interesting people. Sometimes it’s so vivid that we add what we have read or seen to the sum total of what we call our experience or our preferences. Continue reading
- Humility? Who Needs It? - Humility? Who Needs It? We do, you and me. Humility and obedience will take courage, inner strength. In His commands, the Lord laid out the plan for us. They are clearly stated and quite understandable. His Covenants are unbreakable. What He promises, He does. Yet, we deny Him. We have a chunk of Peter in our soul, and it is hard to always follow Him. Why are we not obedient? 'Cause it's messy…I don’t want to touch it. Yuck! What does all that sound like to you? I think it sounds like we are forfeiting His blessings...turning our backs on God. Think Hebrews in the desert, three days after the miracle. What miracle? You ask. Any of them! Continue reading
- Concert Hall of Praise for Mothers - Concert Hall of Praise for Mothers: If you are senior enough, you’ll remember Debbie Reynolds and Gene Kelly starring in the feel-good movie, Singin’ In the Rain. Even now, in your memory, you can hear them singing and see them dancing their way into your heart. I believe that music and singing (dancing, too) are God’s amazing gifts to us, gifts we use to praise Him. I think if you wake up in the morning with a song in your heart, that is God greeting you with “Good morning, Child of Mine.” The Bible is filled with music. Many of the songs were written by David, each one poetic, and often chanted. Still, this is worship. I often find myself reading the words, rather than singing along, which is not nearly as satisfying, personally. Yet, worship isn’t personal to me, it is praising the Lord, and I need to keep that in mind. Continue reading
- God’s Truth? - God's Truth? Are you a literalist when it comes to the Christian Bible? It can be a struggle, but the chances are that speaking the truth in love will work a whole lot better than berating or lecturing that person until they agree with you, or just walk away. I wonder if in our struggle to understand, we are making God too small. God has given us a very simple and understandable statement in Micah 6:8. But the Way of the Cross is not easy. Continue reading
- Moment by Moment - Moment by Moment: This is the day the Lord made and I’m glad. Sure enough, just look at the sky! Oh, my goodness – Carolina-blue broken up with little puffs of white, lookin’ all the world like a Colorado mountain top. Those moments in our lives that may not seem like much, but we recall them, fondly: That day in Door County. A bike ride in Michigan. A family picture on a California beach. Blessed times often blind us to adversity. God never leaves us. Continue reading
- A Farmer Went Out to Sow… - A Farmer Went Out to Sow…: Recently I had dinner with a group of friends. As I walked to my car, I replayed a discussion we had during dinner. I spoke aloud: “I should’ve said more.” Then, “Maybe I should’ve said less”. At that moment, a strange thought came to mind: ”A farmer went out to sow…” I chuckled at that because I couldn’t figure out how that fit into my self-argument. Okay, Lord, you were talking about scattering seeds. I thought about our discussion. I remember two things I said as our conversation took on more heat; I quoted Steve Brown’s statement, “God is in charge and He loves us” and Jesus’ command to Love each other as I have loved you. Is the influence of the world shaping our character and, in turn, influences our understanding of God’s will? I am afraid that’s a “Yes”. Continue reading
- Every Good Thing - Every Good Thing: It’s hard to realize that this song, this Psalm 34, was written by David at a time when he had fled for his life out of the clutches of Saul and the Philistines, and took refuge in a cave where many other desperate men had joined him. The Message version of this passage reads like one giving their faith testimony to others, maybe those who gathered in the cave. He is also speaking to us when we’re confronted with trouble, adversity, sadness, and tells us to be joyful, to call on the Lord, to give him a hopeful smile, and to realize that we belong to Him. Continue reading
- Embrace the Air - Embrace the Air: I’ve never jumped out of plane. For a long time, I wanted to try hang-gliding, but never got the chance. I have been passenger in a glider, pulled aloft by a plane to 2,300 feet and cut loose, the Swiss Alps all around! I love the assurance that God gives Isaiah. We all have rivers of difficulty flowing through our lives, often at unexpected times and in unexpected ways. Many times, we try to go it alone until we realize that the water is too deep and suddenly we know we can’t do it, and we cry out, “Help me, Jesus!" Continue reading
- Compassion and Generosity - Two Copper Coins: Street Scene - There's that guy, standing at the corner, holding a sign: “Homeless. Need food”. Or, maybe the sign reads - “Will Work for Food”. Then there is that plea on television showing sad, abused little puppies or kittens, and asking for donations. And, of course, we are asked to help victims of a tsunamis, or the crisis in Ukraine. And all those pleas tend to give us pause when the next "opportunity" presents itself. What's with us? Are we distrustful of the needs that seem to find their way to us? Do we wonder how our donations will be spent. Do we read too much into it? Before we give do we check the "administrative overhead" numbers? Do we give only to our alma mater? How about the food drive to help the local Food Pantry? Does our generous nature change when we weigh it against "what will it cost us?" Compassion and generosity: those are two copper coins, what are they worth to you? Continue reading
- Easter Sunday - I Have Seen the Lord! Can you imagine how Mary Magdalene was feeling on that morning, Easter morning? She went from desperation to elation in a heartbeat. There stood the risen Christ. She is amazed, cannot believe her eyes. She moves to embrace Him, and He cautions her not to. She had seen the whole tragic drama play out there on Calvary. The grief and sadness that she had experienced since Calvary, was shed from her like an old cloak. She goes to his disciples, as Jesus instructed her. But imagine how the disciples took that news. John has told them in detail what has happened to Jesus, how he died and was buried. And, now, she’s telling them that she has seen the Lord. What?! Continue reading
- Holy Week Saturday - Saturday in Jerusalem: The sounds of crying, wailing, wrenching expressions of grief and loss, could be heard along the side streets, throughout Jerusalem. In an upper room, site of Jesus' Last Supper, just three days before, followers of Jesus huddled, a mixture of sadness, anger and fear. The disciples seemed to be lost in prayer and grief. Peter sat with his head down, still reeling from his own words of denial. John struggled, trying to recall what else Jesus had said to them beyond that phrase, "On the third day" that echoed in his mind. What does it now mean? He is dead! Barnabas, the elder, reached out to all with calming words of encouragement, that even he had a hard time feeling. Continue reading
- Holy Week Friday - Good Friday: Kishle Prison, Jerusalem -- From his throne, high above the courtyard, Pilate watched the crowd. When both Jesus and Barabbas stood before him, he rose and addressed the crowd below: “Which of these men, should I release; Jesus, who has done nothing wrong, or Barabbas, a convicted criminal? Which one should receive a pardon? The crowd … chanted give us Barabbas! Pilate asked again, “Which of these two men, should I released”, and the crowd answered, even more loudly, give us Barabbas! What, then for Jesus of Nazareth? The crowd began to chant, ‘crucify him!’ Continue reading
- Holy Week Thursday - Jesus on Maundy Thursday: When it was evening, Jesus, while at table with the Twelve, said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer, for I tell you, I shall not eat it again until there is fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” And while they were eating, Jesus took bread; He said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them saying, “Take and eat; This is My body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of Me. Continue reading
- Holy Week Wednesday - Jesus on Wednesday: The Bible doesn't say what the Lord did on this Wednesday of Holy Week. Scholars speculate that after two exhausting days in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples spent this day resting in Bethany in anticipation of the remaining days of the Passover festivities. However, we know that in the evening, Jesus was attending a celebration dinner at the home of Simon the Leper, along with Lazarus and his sisters. Toward the end of the meal, Mary lovingly anointed the feet of Jesus with oil of spikenard, an expensive perfume. Continue reading
- Holy Week Tuesday - On Tuesday morning, Jesus and his disciples, having spent the night in Bethany, returned to Jerusalem. They passed the withered fig tree on their way, and Jesus used the tree as an example as he spoke to his companions about the importance of faith fed on the Word. Back at the Temple, religious leaders are upset at Jesus for establishing himself as a spiritual authority. Jesus turns around and pronounces harsh judgment on them, calling them blind guides ... Continue reading
- Holy Week Monday - Jesus on Monday: Jesus and his disciples spent the night in Bethany, but, in the morning, returned to Jerusalem. They entered the temple through Solomon’s Porch that was crowded with tables of moneychangers and sellers of pigeons and cattle. He picked up a small piece of rope, using it as a whip, he ran around knocking over the tables and spilling coins on the ground. Barabbas’ encounter with Jesus never quite left his mind, as the Zealots gathered to finalize the details of the planned raid on the Roman supply depot, obtaining food and other supplies for the hurting families in their community. Early afternoon they heard the report of Jesus in the temple and were encouraged by that disruption. Continue reading
- Palm Sunday - Palm Sunday: Jerusalem was packed with pilgrims from all over Judea and Galilee, coming for all of the activities and services of Passover. Already the baptismal pools that ringed the temple were busy, and a large marketplace had been created right there on the main thorough fare, with pens of animals and cages of birds and chickens. Everything was ready for the full week of Passover, Holy Week. Families of pilgrims looked forward to all of the activities during this blessed week. The long procession, led by Jesus seated on a donkey, had started early for the short distance to the Damascus Gate. The large crowd was waving palm fronds, singing and praising Jesus, making such a racket. Will this be the year that we relive the Crucifixion and understand the personal nature of that sacrifice and forgiveness? Continue reading