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- Tuesday, June 2 – What’s Next? - What’s next? In the 1999 TV series, West Wing, there are multiple episodes where the President, played by Martin Sheen, after hearing all the discussion on a topic, asks the question, ‘What’s next?’ which signals the end of one topic, now is the time to move on to the next. What’s next? For the apostles, the followers of Jesus, and members of The Way, the temple is behind them. The tongues of fire and the wind is behind. What the Master had promised, the Holy Spirit, was now within them. Their brief time with Jesus on earth was over and, yes, they knew the lessons, the memories were clear; what they have seen and heard. But, now, there on that street in Jerusalem, the question: What’s next? Continue reading
- Monday, June 1 – At Jesus Feet II - Part 2: Yesterday was Pentecost, the 49th day from Easter. The infilling of the Holy Spirit, equipping the disciples, and us, to be the eyes, the voice and the hands of the Lord. Our faith journeys are many and varied, but each one is led by that Holy Spirit. Yesterday we considered the walk that Mark followed to discipleship. Today, let’s consider the journey followed by others that helped transform God’s Will into our own path to belief. Biblical facts mixed with a bit of fiction: Capernaum, on the Sea of Galilee. The four boys had lived in the city all their lives, and had grown up to become fisherman, in partnership with their fathers. It was a good life, they made an adequate living. Continue reading
- Sunday, May 31 – At Jesus Feet I - Part 1: Let me describe to you in a word picture. You are in Jerusalem, at the house of Mary. She’s expecting Jesus and his friends to arrive soon, and she is preparing a simple meal. She’s looking forward to this time together, it is always a good evening, filled with stories and humor. And here they are, Jesus and many of his disciples and followers, they smile as they file in and make themselves at home in the gathering room. They have been here many times, using Mary’s house life a fellowship hall, a church. These times together follow a comfortable routine, because everyone likes the easy way Jesus has of relating to all those present and they like what he has to say and they listen. It will be later when we understand fully those conversations; friendly, full of humor and lessons in life are from not a man but God himself. But who do you say I am? You are the Messiah. Continue reading
- Saturday, May 30 – Chasing after the Wind - This is kind of a depressing passage, until you get to the clincher, at the end. And, I suppose, we could look at some things in our past that has been pretty much drudgery, a chasing after the wind. That captures those down times, those times when things were not going our way, when all of life seemed to be an uphill climb. In this morning’s Our Daily Bread reading, much of that ‘seeking after the wind’ specifics are listed in the preceding verses to this morning’s passage; riches, grand work projects and philosophical inquiries. Each one in the interest of finding happiness. Seeking, searching, chasing after happiness. Continue reading
- Last Resort? - Earlier this week, I was contacted by my editor who explained there were two soft spots in my manuscript that I needed to address, and that otherwise it was ready to go to formatting. Formatting is the step before design and publication, so I was both excited and a bit intimidated by a real or imagined deadline. Within an hour, I was hard at work addressing those soft spots, making corrections along the way and preparing to send it back to my editor. I was so satisfied with what I had done in making those adjustments that I relaxed with a little Netflix, and that night slept like a baby. So, so much at peace. The next day, I was excited to return to my MacBook, to finish and send it back to my editor. But, when I tried to open up the page that I had work so diligently on the day before, I could not find it! Continue reading
- Thursday, May 28 – Cause and Effect - Thomas Kelly, in his book A Testament of Devotion, has a chapter entitled “The Light Within” where he writes that deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul. It is a Holy Place, what he calls a Divine Center, where resides a speaking voice. It is that speaking voice that we sometimes call conscience, that we turn to, continuously, whether we are aware of it or not. Kelly goes on to say that the Light Within is what it “illumines the face of God and casts new shadows and new glories upon the face of man”. It is that Light Within that allows us to see the good in others. It is the Light Within that allows us to sense the needs of others and urges us to respond. Continue reading
- Wednesday, May 27 – Invisible People - Good morning. For some cockeyed reason, I got to thinking about the people in our lives that have no faces. Oh, they have faces, alright, but they are invisible people. You rarely see them. They may live next door and yet… Maybe, they lost their job, then, strangely, they disappeared, right there within your knowledge, and your awareness. Maybe, recently, they lost their spouse, and you never see them. The question is, when adversity strike others and we know of their plight, do we have an obligation to act, based on Love? Recently someone sent me a book that was first released in 1946. My copy is 1952, and it is a treasure. The title is Death By Bread Alone. Continue reading
- Tuesday, May 26 – The Presence of God - It seems to me that we hear a lot of words, many of them, born out of an advanced course in theology, some of which truly do have practical meanings for us if we but understood. The reference to Genesis and Jonah are just two of many instances throughout the Bible of the Presence of God in lives. We practice the Presence of the Lord in our lives through our readings, through our prayer-life and through our ministry. What is the difference between ‘Manifest Presence of God’, and ‘Omni Presence of God’? Does it matter to us who are trying to maintain our understanding of our faith? I think it is helpful and reassuring to know the difference because it reflects the fullness of God’s Presence. Continue reading
- God’s Yard Sale - On this day, I offer a departure from our usual format. A story, a personal story, perhaps your story. As you read this, you are the “ME”, and consider this a prayer conversation with God. ME: Well, Lord, I am really beginning to like most of this New Normal. It’s relaxing, it has opened my eyes to so many of your gifts and graces. It has given me a greater appreciation for my neighbors, my friends and all of my loved ones. It has shown me new ways of relating to others. I really do appreciate almost everything contained in this New Normal of Yours…except, maybe not being able to reach out and shake a hand, or give a person hug, or go to a movie, or worship at my church, or dine out -- Continue reading
- Sunday, May 24 – Made to Worship - We are made to worship. Who is worthy of your worship? Who receives your worship? If we follow the trail of where we spend our money and time, we likely arrive at a few things we worship. Where does this trail lead you? Perhaps things show up like entertainment, achievement, technology, clothing or food. Any of these things can become “the forbidden fruit” of our relationship with God. It is how we use the innovations of our time and the gifts of the Holy Spirit that speaks to whether we are enslaved to them as idols, or a slave to Christ. God is able to use all these tools for his glory, and he has chosen to do it through our hearts that are surrendered to Jesus. The Internet cannot atone for your sins. The credentials you hold do not qualify you for grace. Worship Christ, he alone is worthy. Continue reading
- Saturday, May 23 – Born Again? - “Born Again? What? Not me!” “I was raised in the church.” “No flashing lights of awareness for me, I have always known the Lord”. “Oh, I’ve heard others talk of coming to Jesus, describing their experience on a weekend as being ‘high as a kite’. I say, good for them, not for me, though, I don’t need it.” “Born again? That’s for others who don’t know the Lord.” Recently, a friend asked me about the disciples. When did they become Believers in Jesus? Without thinking too much (a trait of mine) I blurted out, “When they accepted Jesus’ invitation to “Come, follow me”. Then I said, “is this a trick question?” Two seconds later, another thought, and I blurted: Pentecost! The in-filling of the Holy Spirit. Is that the right answer? Do I get credit? Continue reading
- Friday, May 22 – Spiritual Balance - In last Tuesday’s Meditation, we spoke of Paul’s admonishment to pray without ceasing, which we concluded was an ongoing conversation with God as our daily life unfolds. Last night, Joyce Meyer, in her Ending Your Day Right devotional, added a perspective on that theme which really struck me as something that we need to consider as we continue to live through this period of change. Meyer wrote that we have to have balance in our life, balance between our spiritual life, which encompasses time that we spend in prayer, in devotional reading, and so forth, and our earthly responsibilities. So how do we get out of balance between our spiritual life and the life that we are living in these hours of darkness? Continue reading
- Thursday, May 21 – Really Good Reads - Really Good Reads: Want a good read? I mean a really good read, one that stretches you, that opens your faith. Oh, I know what some of us read; entertaining, exciting, romantic, racy, sexy, escape, thrillers, etc. Oh, yes, I know, I’m in one of those categories. I’m talking about really good reads, defined as ‘blessed’. The kind you would not even think about taking to the beach, or wherever you used to go for a get-away, back in the era of the old normal. The really good books recommended by your pastor, maybe when you asked “What are the great classics of Christian literature?” I asked my then, pastor, Paul Borg, that question once…Got a really good answer, his “Top 10”. Continue reading
- Wednesday, May 20 – Do you Mutter? - Do you mutter? Does your spouse? Carol and I both mutter. The Hebrew word for meditate means to mutter, to speak to oneself, out loud. After two months of living 120 miles apart during this pandemic, we discovered that we were both mutterers when we finally got together. We both would say that our muttering is born out of our isolation, but also it is born out of our prayer-life, talking to God. Sometimes my muttering comes out as song, hymns of praise. Amazing Grace, or Peace Like a River, and so many others, often start out in the shower and are carried out into my day. A good start. Continue reading
- Tuesday, May 19 – Roads II - Pat 2: This meditation is not about the Jericho Road, or the road we are on, it is about who is journeying on these roads. Let me share with you an imperfect event/time line for Jesus during a month leading up to the Resurrection. As you consider this, imagine you are walking with Jesus, step by step, in sandals, over rough and hilly terrain, through the Jordan River, twice, and the Yarmuk. You have been in Bethsaida, where you witnessed the feeding of the 5,000. He is on a 125-mile journey of ministry through the ten cities of the Decapolis and on south to Jerusalem. As he journeyed, more and more people followed. As you walk along, you watch Jesus. Continue reading
- Monday, May 18 – Roads I - Part 1: Oak Creek Canyon scenic drive, Arizona State Road 89A is one of the most beautiful and scary roads in the US. Approximately 24 miles between Flagstaff and Sedona, a change in elevation of 4,500 feet. That doesn’t quite tell the story. Most of that change in elevation is in the first 19 miles or so. If you do the math, the grade is STEEP! I have driven down that road twice, first as a frightened passenger, white knuckles and all, frequently stifling screams, among my prayers. Then years later, as a driver…much better but I am not sure my passengers then would agree. Yes, it is scary, but, oh, so beautiful, winding through sandstone canyons and rock formations, pine forests everywhere, tight hairpin turns, and steep, brake-burning grades. Continue reading
- Sunday, May 17 – If it’s Not There - My partner had just finished reading her morning devotional, and was pretty thrilled with what the reading had said to her. She commented that she wished her friend would read it. I suggested she get her the book, but her reply was that the friend probably would not read ‘that stuff’ and in fact her eyesight wasn’t all that good. I persisted a bit, saying there are large print devotionals that you like and believe would be helpful to her, so, plant the seed, put the book in her space. She can’t read it if it’s not there. My partner went on to say that this person had been her best friend for more than twenty years and is now so sad over the loss of her son -- she needs a grief counselor. Then she spoke of how valuable such a counselor had been during the period following the loss of her husband. I asked her about that experience and if that counselor was referred by Hospice. Yes, she replied, but she became a friend in my need. Continue reading
- Saturday, May 16 – Feeling Safe - Feeling safe is the doorway to happiness. How can one be happy if you are experiencing anxiety, fear? We long for safe places. Remember yesterday when you were in peaceful safety and did not worry about an unseen evil? Remember? Well, that peace that your felt, that safety you told yourself you rested upon? Those all came from our Lord and Savior and He is right there, still all around you, pouring graces all around, protecting you, providing that safe place. Safety does not depend on our conception of the absence of danger or threat of any kind. Safety is found in God’s presence, in the center of His perfect will. Psalm 91 tells us that He will guard us at all times of the day and night. You can rest in His arms and know that while we sleep, and breath, and work our way through each day, He is watching over us. Years ago, I was hiking in the Collegiate Range of the Rockies in Colorado. Continue reading
- Happiness Is a Bird - Happiness is a Bird: Happiness? What happened to your happiness when all this isolation and quarantine began? Did you leave it out there, on the parking lot, by your unused, un-driven car? Perhaps you stood at your window looking out to that parking lot and longed for that orphan, your happiness, sitting out there, cold and alone. Or, was it more like this; happiness slowly trickled away when the realization hit that going out to eat was not an option. Maybe you just finished a book, and you were at a loss because the library was closed, and now what are you going to read? That trip to Wisconsin? Forget it. Having the gang over for dinner? Forget that, too. Going to church? Wait a minute. Continue reading
- Thursday, May 14 – Learning Theory - I have this learning theory that I believe is logical, true and effective. I call it ‘Not by Accident’ and it suggests that what we have experienced or learned in our earlier days, we now pass on to others, intentionally or not, as we live our lives. These influences or lessons could be good or not so much. On the ‘good’ side, how do we teach compassion? How do we teach love, or faith, or trust, or generosity, or something as basic as making and maintaining a friendship? Or, on a more practical side, how to make the world’s greatest potato salad? Continue reading