
A lighthouseLooking for an earlier Watchword?

  • Forgiveness? - Forgiveness? Here's a challenging question to consider: If someone wrote a one sentence summary of your life, what would it say? When we look at this issue of forgiveness we must look deep within our own experience. There have been times, events, words said in anger or impulsively, which keep coming back as moments of unforgiveness. It causes me to wonder if I can forgive someone and still remember what brought me to that need to forgive. There is power in forgiveness. It is called love. It is an acting out of Christ’s command to “love others as I have loved you.”  We forgive others because we have been forgiven by our God for our great and repeated sins. Continue reading
  • Do We Fear Death? - Do we fear death? With some frequency, you may hear of people who, due to incurable illness, age, pain or loss of faculties, say they are “Ready to go.” They wish to leave this vale of tears. They may say they “long to be with Jesus”, or perhaps the loved one that passed before them. This Christian faith of ours, lays before us God's promise in vivid and varied colors, yet founded upon the Resurrection. My heart, my prayers, my thoughts do go out to those who do not have the Resurrection and the promise in their lives, and my faith tells me to keep planting seeds. Amen. Continue reading
  • Power of the Past - Power of the Past: One beautiful afternoon I sat on my front porch marveling at the graces that God has given me, and, I would guess, the same could apply to you. At this stage in our lives the better question may be, what is God doing through us, through what we do day by day, with family, our friends and an endless parade of graces that come to us through the simple act of living according to what God has provided. Each a gift of their presence and then they moved on with their lives. Like the wake of a passing boat, the memory of their presence remains. Each an amazing display of God's graces and the certainty that God is a creator God, and not a critic God. For that we are grateful and give Him praise and honor.  Continue reading
  • A Little Corner of Hell? - A Little Corner of Hell? Matthew chapters 5-6 and chapter 7 encompass a series of sermons by Jesus, called the sermon on the mount, the extensive beginning of training his disciples. These were hard lessons, some logical, some common sense, some difficult to fully grasp at the moment, but each one requiring a process of change, of putting us into a right relationship with God and with others. Have you ever been attacked by a sharp little voice with in?  Guilt in many of its favorite forms. Those little moments when the little needle of guilt causes your discomfort. When the Holy Spirit speaks and you choose to ignore it, something happens to your heart. f left unattended, you begin to build that little corner of hell. Continue reading
  • God Bless America!  - God Bless America! What does the Cross of Christ have to do with God bless America? Everything! We’re talking about the cost of our freedom, of our discipleship. Who wrote about the cost of discipleship? Oh, yes, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. What does he have to say about this cost, which is part and partial of the cross we are to bear and this blessed nation we are privileged to live in? “The life of discipleship can only be maintained as long as nothing is allowed to come between Christ and ourselves–neither the law, nor personal piety, nor even the world. Continue reading
  • Christ-Centered Person - Christ-Centered Person: Today I quoted a beautiful and blessed piece of poetry by Gertrude Roberts Rays.  As you read that, prayer-like, you can almost get caught up in the presence of God. For me the phrase “He taught me how to be a Friend”, brought tears of wonder. And “…he walked the earth with kindly might in quiet, gentleness that makes men great” should cause the poet in each of us to pause and ponder that truth. In the interest of honesty, I found that prose as the dedication in a little book entitled What He Lived By, honoring Edward Increase Bosworth, Dean of The Oberlin Graduate School of Theology, clearly a Christ-centered man. Dean Bosworth was my dad’s favorite professor in Seminary in the 1920s. Dad honored me by giving me the good Dean’s name. Continue reading
  • Act Your Age! - Act Your Age! I had a telephone conversation with my sister who had spent a week in the hospital. She told me that for every day she spent in the hospital she felt a little bit older, and she did not like that feeling. Her vivacious personality took a beating, as did her energy level. She made the astute observation that she was beginning to feel her age and, darn it, did not like that one bit. As a child we may have heard our parents say to us, act your age! As a parent we may have said act your age! to our children. But there comes a time when acting our age is not constructive to the quality of life that we aspire. Continue reading
  • I Lost It! - I Lost It! Have you ever “blown your stack”, you know, lost your cool. Said something you regret. Perhaps you acted in haste, made some assumptions that proved to be completely off base, and now what do you do? At this point in your faith journey, you know that what happened was not part of God's plan, not his hope for you or me. If you're paying close attention, then you know that the spirit within has already prompted you to step forward, to confess, to admit your sin, to repent. Know that his is the day the Lord has made for you, and for me. Continue reading
  • Grace Moments - Grace Moments: In Jesus Calling, the Lord tells us: “I speak to you continually. My nature is to communicate, though not always in words. I fling glorious sunsets across the sky, day after day after day. I speak in the faces in the voice of loved ones. I caress you with a gentle breeze that refreshes and delights you. I speak softly in the depths of your spirit, where I have taken up residence. You can find me each moment when you have eyes that see and ears that hear. Whatever fills your heart with joy, treasure that. Whatever causes you to reach out to a friend or a loved one, treasure that. Whatever causes you to feel compassion and to act, treasure that.  These are all God moments, messages for you to hold dear. Continue reading
  • Jesus Speaks, Part 2 - Jesus Speaks, Part 2: I am sitting in my office, at my MacBook, writing deathless prose, of course, when Jesus walks in! I knew it was Him, now standing right there, beside me, smiling. I am shaken…I am awed…I am speechless. I fall from my chair onto my knees. He reaches out…lifts me to my feet and says: ‘Do you love Me?’ I stammer out ‘Yes, Lord’. Then He utters those awful words: ‘Follow Me’. My mind, turns to Peter who got the same invitation, and he left his nets and boats, friends and family and followed. I try hard to do as Peter did, in my own meager way. I leave my nets, my boat, my busy work, try to separate myself from my preoccupation with comfort, things that seem were so important, which take me away from Him. And, again, Jesus says to me; ‘Come, follow me.’ Yes, Lord, I will follow, as I take one step away from my 'nets'. Continue reading
  • Jesus Speaks, Part 1 - Jesus Speaks, Part 1: What would you say to a person at the beginning of their faith journey? What advice? How would you communicate spiritual wisdom? How would you share that pearl of great price? The truth is, the greatest theologians, all the TV televangelists with their 'just as I am' invitation, all the wonderful working pastors with great sermons, and all the best-selling books, have failed to convert one single solitary human being. Great thought and knowledge is valuable but that’s not what changes lives. Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, “Each man is called separately and must (by their own decision) follow alone.” Peter had to take that first step, away from his nets, to become Peter.  The choice is ours. Continue reading
  • Knocking on Heaven’s Door - Knocking on Heaven’s Door: One of Bob Dylan's hit songs is ‘Knock Knock Knockin’ on Heaven's Door. I pulled up the lyrics hoping something would inspire a meditation that I could use in a Watchword. When I looked at the words, I found them dark, the words of someone at the end of their options, desperate. How often have we reached the point where we don't know what to do, we don't know what to say, we are discouraged, and the anxiety is beginning to build. We need an answer, we need a way out, we need a solution to this puzzle that is tearing us up. And in our desperation, we call on Jesus. We are knocking on heaven's door and praying that he will save us. Continue reading
  • I Want to See - I Want to See: This story is about healing. In the scripture passage it's about restoring sight and the role that faith plays in that process. In many of Jesus’ parables someone has a problem, and there is a factor that seems to complicate what's happening. Jesus resolves the problem which he attributes to faith, and the result is a confirmation of a solution, which we sometimes refer to as miracles. In the exchange between doubting Thomas and Jesus (John 20:24-29), Thomas says, “unless I see I will not believe,” and when he does, he exclaims “my Lord and my God”. To which Jesus replies, “Because you have seen me you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”. Our own healing occurred when we answered God's call, in faith. Continue reading
  • I Can Do Everything - I Can Do Everything: Many of us have adopted Philippians 4:13 as one of our favorite Bible passages. I wonder if we read it exclusive of verse 12. There is nothing wrong with that as long as we don't consider “our verse” as giving us the strength and power to do whatever we want to do, rather than what God may direct us toward. Whatever situation we find ourselves in, what trial or temptation, whatever opportunity the Lord places before us to share his love, remember that Jesus is the source of our strength and he will give us the strength and the power to follow, to overcome. It doesn't matter if what we are facing is trying to overwhelm us, to bring us down, He is up for the battle. Continue reading
  • Do Whatever He Tells You - Do Whatever He Tells You: Recently I heard a theologian talking about the first miracle that is recorded and credited to Jesus, the wedding at Cana where water was turned into wine, high quality wine. The pastor went on to explain that in his research, and in the mind of many highly respected theologians, the wedding was likely a family affair, possibly for John, the Apostle, the self-proclaimed disciple that Jesus loved. We could conclude that Mary wanted the wedding feast to go without a hitch. To run out of wine would be a major faux pas for the family. Think about these lives of ours, lives in Christ, symbolized by the water turned into wine. Continue reading
  • You Say We’re Perfect? - You Say We're Perfect? Recently, my family had a birthday celebration and as part of the festivities we gathered at the Indianapolis Museum of Art and there we experienced the van Gogh Immersion exhibit. If you have never had this experience and you have the opportunity, don’t miss it! Van Gogh was hardly a perfect person. He had many flaws in his interaction with others, in his war with himself, and his own declaration that he was a failure. But he was not a failure, he was, in fact, perfect for God’s purpose of his life.We, too, are perfect. We have been fashioned out of dust, been made in the perfect image for God’s purpose for our life. Continue reading
  • Check the Weather - Check the Weather: When we think of Jesus we often think of his walking on the wind-swept waters of the Sea of Galilee. Or we think of him asleep in the boat with the disciples in the midst of a terrible storm. The fact that we are reminded time after time that he comes in the midst of a storm, should give us a measure of confidence. Do we sometimes feel that Jesus is nowhere to be found in the midst of a crisis that is threatening. Sometimes we are brought to the very edge and we see no future and we wonder if we're going to leave the hospital alive, or get through this situation with any stability? Where, Lord, are you? Continue reading
  • God’s Megaphone - God’s Megaphone: This morning I heard with clarity the voice of God. It came to me in my recall of circumstances I have experienced over the years, but only now realize those circumstances were the direction, advice, and wisdom of God, which I chose to ignore. I believe that if you, the reader, were honest with yourselves you would probably make a similar statement. Too often when we think of the nudges or the murmurs of the Holy Spirit within us, we think in terms of words, vocal renderings of some kind, we don't think of our circumstances so much, or the voice of a friend, or the choices made by others close to us, detours in the road. I think these are all ways in which God speaks to us and guides us on our own individual life paths. Continue reading
  • Without Ceasing? - Without Ceasing? Here are three different versions of the same passage, each saying basically the same thing, but with slightly different twists. The emphasis is on prayer, of course, but is there a difference between “all the time”, “continually” and “never stop”? It does seem like the Apostle Paul is telling us to never stop praying. How do we do that? What is it that you do all the time? The Message version gives us a clue to Paul’s meaning: “you who belong to Christ Jesus”. Do we understand how inclusive that state of affairs is when we “belong to Christ Jesus”? We are not always conscious of Jesus keeping us in perfect oneness with God, but if we are obeying Him, He always is, constantly, unceasingly. Continue reading
  • Doubting Peter - Doubting Peter: “Lord, if it’s really you..." Do we have moments of doubt? Have there have been times during our life journey when we've been in a fragile little boat called our circumstances, battling the waves of health or relationships, and we struggle and we wonder, and in desperation we call out to Jesus for help. Were there elements of doubt in that call to him? Was it a cry of panic or was it a statement of love and belief?  May we have no fear, as we walk in faith through the storm of life holding on to the hand of our Lord. Continue reading