
A green-patterned paper crane on a stringOver the span of my life there have been twists and turns, ups and downs, and writing has always been a response to such changes. In moments of deep sadness and loss, I turned to writing essays as an outlet for my grief. And as time went on, the discipline of writing became an outlet for other things; joy, creativity, humor, faith.

My posts do not follow a regular schedule, and the content ranges from faith-based to personal and secular. They deal with everything from the smell of dirt, to peanuts in RC Cola, to sharing prayers with my dog, to love, and hearing the voice of God. You know, everything from all that other stuff called “life” to meditations on my journey of faith and belief.

Whether prompted by personal memories, readings, or just general reflections “big and small,” my writings seek to understand our human condition, and to raise questions that may stimulate your thinking. But I also hope they will always entertain.

Here are a couple of recent posts:

  • How Do I Say This - During a recent worship service one of the scripture passages was first Corinthians 9, listed above. As I listened to the reading I was struck by Paul's disclaimer of credit. He explains he couldn't keep from preaching the gospel word even if I wanted to. He went on to say that he would be utterly miserable if he didn't follow through, implying that God has given him this sacred trust and that he has no choice. Continue reading
  • So, Help Me, Fred!  -  The little boy was good in church. He was quiet. He sometimes listened to what his daddy was saying from the pulpit. There were times when he nodded off or colored the book his mom brought for him. Recently, he heard something that was a little confusing to his three-year-old mind. He knew his name and the name of his older sister, and he was learning the name of Jesus, but what his daddy was saying made him wonder; so, he listened, and he remembered.  Continue reading

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In 2020, I also a started sending out a mailing of inspirational “words for today” called Watchwords, which you may find of interest. Take a look.