If you love me keep my commandments. John 14: 15
If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. When the young man heard this he went away sad, for he had many possessions. Matthew 19: 21-23
If and But
Oh, those connecting words scattered throughout the scripture. Words that imply optional choice. If you love me… If you want to be perfect… I could not do that on my own, but… No one can heal a leper, but…
Our Lord never insists on our obedience. He puts the emphasis very definitely on what we ought to do, but he never forces us to do it. We have a choice, to obey him out of a oneness of spirit with him, or not. That’s why whenever our Lord talked about discipleship he prefaced it with an ‘if’, meaning you need not do this unless you desire to do so. If anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself. Therefore, to be my disciple, let him give up his right to himself to me.
To be clear about this, Jesus is not talking about our eternal position, but about our being of value to him in this life here and now. These words only make sense when we realize they come from Jesus. We would not like to hear these words coming from a politician trying to dominate us.
Oswald Chambers tells us “The Lord does not give me rules but he makes his standard very clear, if my relationship with him is about love, I will do what he says without hesitation. If I hesitate it is because I love someone or something I have placed in competition with him namely, myself.”
Jesus Christ will not force me to obey him but we must and as soon as I obey, I fulfill my spiritual destiny, and His purpose for us, His role in our lives becomes clear.
In my book, The Inn on Jericho Road, the Samaritan has had an encounter with Jesus and he begins to realize His presence was with him all along. The miracles, the healings, the change in himself is because of that presence. No one can turn water into wine, except… Man could not heal a leper, except… No man could overcome death, but Jesus did, which means…He is God.
The power of change that Jesus can make in all of us is remarkable. Trust Him. Amen.
Closing Prayer:
O Lord, the world around me threatens and we are fearful for the present and for our future. Give us, your servants, great boldness to live your word and to encourage others, assuring them that our sovereign Lord is with us. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus. Amen.