How Do I Say This

Paul to the Corinthians — For just preaching the Gospel isn’t any special credit to me—I couldn’t keep from preaching it if I wanted to. I would be utterly miserable. Woe unto me if I don’t. 17 If I were volunteering my services of my own free will, then the Lord would give me a special reward; but that is not the situation, for God has picked me out and given me this sacred trust, and I have no choice. 18 Under this circumstance, what is my pay? It is the special joy I get from preaching the Good News without expense to anyone, never demanding my rights. 19 And this has a real advantage: I am not bound to obey anyone just because he pays my salary; yet I have freely and happily become a servant of any and all so that I can win them to Christ. 1 Corinthians 9:16-19 Continue reading

So, Help Me, Fred! 

 The little boy was good in church. He was quiet. He sometimes listened to what his daddy was saying from the pulpit. There were times when he nodded off or colored the book his mom brought for him. Recently, he heard something that was a little confusing to his three-year-old mind. He knew his name and the name of his older sister, and he was learning the name of Jesus, but what his daddy was saying made him wonder; so, he listened, and he remembered.  Continue reading


I tagged along after my father that morning, being hopeful that maybe we would stop at the Olympia Candy kitchen and I could sample some of their wonderful candies. I followed him into the hardware store there on Lincoln Avenue,  I think it was called Hess Hardware or something like that. My daddy had to pick up some “this and that’s”, as he called them.

We paused for just a moment at the front of the store to admire this amazing bicycle that was for sale. It was a very special. It was a Schwinn with red frame and fenders, and sparkling reflectors and everything. It was beautiful. My daddy asked me if I liked that bike, and I said, “Oh boy, it certainly is a special bicycle.” Continue reading

Chloe: Just a Story, Part Fact, Part Fiction

It had been a really rough week for my friend. He is a medical professional, but had been unhappy in his work for some time.  The sudden breakup had thrown him off stride, leaving him bewildered and with a deep sense of loneliness. The one that he thought of as his best friend, was gone. A bit depressed, he left his office and walked across the deserted parking lot to his car. It was late and dark. He heard the sound as he approached his car, the insistent cry of a baby animal. He looked around, but saw nothing. Continue reading

Facts! You Call Them Facts?

Don’t Bother Me with Facts!

I get a bit frustrated with my friends when I try to argue a point that differs from their position.  This could be political, religious, or common sense matters that occur every day.  There have been times when “facts” are on my side, but it matter not, to them!  They seem to be telling me not to bother them with facts if those facts run contrary to their ideas. At times a stray thought enters my mind that my “facts” may simply be my ideas! I quickly dismiss that nonsense! Continue reading

Experiencing Nothing

We were all part of a long-standing Bible study, a group of men from divergent congregations, bound by common commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord, and dedicated to “sampling” the monastic life in St. Gregory’s Abbey, a monastery within the Episcopal Church. We thought we knew what we were getting into, and, on one level, we did, but there is a big difference between studying about the monastic experience and actually living it, even for a short period. Continue reading


I have a favorite wine glass. It has a particular shape that appeals to me, and is a signature glass carrying carries two legends: “Stone Hill Winery” and “Vintage Restaurant”. I know exactly when I got this, nearly twenty years ago, and where I got this, and all the circumstances surrounding the purchase. Continue reading

Fanny Pack

Fanny Pack?  Remember them? Twenty-five years ago, they were all the rage. Whenever you traveled, it seemed that everyone you saw had these little pouches, belted around the waist. We kept our passports, sun glasses, lip gloss, and lots of miscellaneous stuff we wanted to carry, in the many pockets on our travels. Continue reading

Here I Stand 1

Some years ago I set out to write a “brief” statement of my faith that I would share with my children.  At that time they were adults in their 30’s and who, probably, had a fairly well-formed idea of “religion”, faith and all that “stuff”.

Over the years I have resolved to have conversations with them about faith and what I believe, but the time has never seemed right.  Over those years I flirted with that topic, have implied some, have lived out some, but never really gotten into it.  Maybe I was a little fearful, wanting to “say it right” but concerned that it might come out incomplete, or incoherent, or sounding like I’m proselytizing! Continue reading

Tree on Fire

My grandparents on my mother’s side, came from German stock, and settled in northern Pennsylvania. They worked to keep some of the old country traditions alive and my mother carried one or two into our family life. The following was pieced together from childhood memories recalled during this Christmas season and some of the stories my sisters shared with me.

I remember, the couch had been moved to another part of living room, and that is where I was told to sit, along with my sisters. Mother and daddy brought in the freshly-cut Christmas tree, already in its stand, and set it in the space cleared in front of the windows that looked out on Lawson Avenue. I was the ‘little guy’.  I must have been three or four. I had no recollection of putting up a Christmas tree the previous year, so my excitement came from all the stories that my sisters shared. My eyes grew in size as the tree was set in place, and a box of decorations was placed nearby. A tree in our living room!

“Aren’t we putting lights on?” my older, wiser sister asked. Mother said, “No, not yet” I remember daddy doing something with the tree, putting something on the branches, while mother seemed to be telling him where they should go and to “make sure they are straight”. After a long time, they stepped back, seemed to admire what they had done. Then they stopped and mother went into the kitchen to start supper, while daddy went into his ‘study’.

My other sister, the one who always teased me, protested. She whined about not putting on the colorful paper chains we had created the day before, or any of the green and red popcorn kernels we had strung, or allowing the kids to do anything to decorate the tree. To which daddy had replied, “No, not yet. Have patience, we will get to it tonight”.

I sat in my highchair, dinner seemed to take forever!  I kept glancing in the living room at that tree. A tree in our living room! I had never seen anything so pretty. Dinner was over and now the dishes had to be done, my sisters’ job. That is when I started whining – something I was learning from my sisters! Daddy left the kitchen. I don’t think he wanted to hear me crying.

Finally, we all gathered in the living room and told to return to the couch. Something had happened to the tree! On many of the branches there were little white candles. Then mother started to sing. Oh, little town of the Bethlehem… As she was singing, daddy took a kitchen match and started lighting all the little candles, right there on the tree!  Then he turned off the lights and we all sang Silent Night. What a beautiful tree on fire!

Then daddy pulled the rocking chair over and sat in front of us, with his Bible. Mother then explained that her parents had come from Germany, and one of the family traditions was putting candles on the tree, lighting them, then reading stories from the Bible and singing carols. And so we did, daddy read the Christmas story from Luke, and when we sang Silent Night, I couldn’t help but notice that mother was crying…something I could not understand until so much later. Daddy then said a prayer.

After that things got really exciting! We all blew out the candles. Daddy and my older sister began to put on stings of lights and we all helped to put on strings of craft-paper chains all around the tree, and the strings of popcorn. My sisters started placing foil icicles carefully on the tree, while I just took handfuls and threw them at the tree. They didn’t like that, but I just giggled. What fun!

Then, long past my bedtime, just as I was falling asleep on the couch, to my surprise, hot chocolate and cookies!  I don’t remember doing lighted candles in later years, but the hot chocolate and cookies was an annual family tradition.

Frohe Weihnachten – Feliz Navidad – Merry Christmas

Four Score and Seven Years Ago

One Hundred Fifty-nine years ago, on this date, November 19, in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln stood on the bloodied ground of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and delivered a brief, but memorable address of national unity. Many, reading this essay, have vivid memories of having to memorize the speech, maybe when you were in the eighth grade. For me, memorization was never fun!

While the address was given 159 years ago, there are elements of Lincoln’s words that are relevant today. Throughout the Bible there are multiple references to the clash between the forces of  good and evil; Adam and Eve in The Garden, David and Goliath, Jesus in the wilderness, etc. I venture to say that where good exists, evil will be lurking around the corner to cast truth in the shade of darkness. Continue reading

A Layman’s Letter to Churches – Alone But Never Alone

Joni Erickson Tada wrote and performed a wonderful song, Alone But Not Alone, that made its way to the top of the Christian music charts and into a movie by that same name. When I listen to the words and the music of that song I cannot help but be reminded how true it is.

At a most crucial time in the life of Jesus, as a man walking the earth, facing eminent crucifixion, He asked God the Father to give all believers the Holy Spirit, as a Friend and Guide. And so, in reality, we may feel we are alone, but if our faith is strong, there’s no question that our Helper, the Holy Spirit, is there with us. As close as a brother or sister, sharing wisdom and strength. Continue reading