
A green-patterned paper crane on a stringBrowse the blog posts going back to 2014 – and we also have a Watchwords archive.

  • A Layman’s Letter to Churches – Alone But Never Alone (8/15/2022) - Joni Erickson Tada wrote and performed a wonderful song, Alone But Not Alone, that made its way to the top of the Christian music charts and into a movie by that same name. When I listen to the words and the music of that song I cannot help but be... Continue reading
  • In Their Shoes, Imagined (8/1/2022) - He’s dead! I thought He would live forever. He was to be our Savior, our new King who would lead us to freedom. Just this week we saw Him bring Lazarus back to life…why could He not save himself?  I don’t know what to do! I don’t know where to... Continue reading
  • Mun-Hee (7/9/2022) - His name, we learned, was Mun-Hee, but we called him “Money”. He was 13 or 14, and his mother did laundry, by hand, along the Pukan River, for the guys in my unit, on the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Korea. He was a happy goffer, ran errands, did small jobs... Continue reading
  • A Layman’s Letter to Churches — Being Christian Ain’t Easy (6/18/2022) - There is a story of a young Salvation Army girl in Scotland who approached a stranger on the street and asked if he were a Christian. He turned an angry and stern face toward her, and replied, “Young lady, I am a professor of theology! Of course, I’m a Christian!” ... Continue reading
  • Touched by Grace (5/7/2022) - In the course of our lives we will be touched by the passing of a friend or loved one.  We attend funerals and memorial services of those we love and respect, and are reminded of their quality, there importance in our lives and in the lives of the family.  We... Continue reading
  • And I Was There (3/16/2022) - I had just turned 19, when my division, the 25th infantry division, left Korea and settled in the luxurious confines of Scofield Barracks on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. It was quite a change from life on the DMZ in Korea, to a comfortable cot in Paradise!  But somebody had... Continue reading
  • Writing – Self-Taught? (2/28/2022) - Writing comes from writing. Have you heard that, before? At the core of decent writing is experience. Here’s another euphemism: “To write well, you must listen well.” By that I mean, listen to your heart and your mind, and do not let thoughts escape into Netherland – capture them while... Continue reading
  • Blink of an Eye (2/16/2022) - I was a freshman in college when I first “got the bug.” I was committed to being a different person than I was in high school, so when I saw an announcement for play try-outs, I stepped forward. To my surprise and both amazement and apprehension, I landed a speaking... Continue reading
  • Small Minds (2/5/2022) - I wonder if we have a problem between our opinion, free will and simple, clear facts?  This is true whether we are thinking secular or religious. Conflicts have brought stress and divisions, have taken away from the building up of our nation and our own spiritual growth. It seems we... Continue reading
  • Never Too Late? (2/2/2022) - I always wonder about that. Is it ever too late to follow a thought, an inspiration, a dream? How about those ideas that are thrust before your eyes from unexpected places, or those even expected, but surprising places?  How about a fortune cookie? Ever take those seriously? I am addicted... Continue reading
  • Good Morning, Lord (1/9/2022) - I awaken. It is still dark and very quiet. I look at the clock – 1:55 a.m.  I, sigh, turn over, and snuggle down into the warmth of my bed, trying to return to sleep, but it evades me. My mind is at work, a left-over thought from yesterday, or... Continue reading
  • Mayfield, Kentucky, and the New Year (12/27/2021) - The tornado struck Mayfield Kentucky late afternoon, December 10, 2021. At the time of this writing, we did not know what the final death toll would be, but the devastation was stunning. They called it an EF 4, and there have only been five that severe since they started keeping... Continue reading