Never Too Late?

I always wonder about that. Is it ever too late to follow a thought, an inspiration, a dream? How about those ideas that are thrust before your eyes from unexpected places, or those even expected, but surprising places?  How about a fortune cookie? Ever take those seriously? I am addicted to Dove dark chocolate minis with the foil inspiration wrap. Here’s one: “Don’t talk about it, just be about it.” Here’s another: “Don’t stop until you are proud.”  But this is the one that keeps me going, “You are never too old, and it is never too late.” Yeah!

It was inspiration that led me into biblical research that resulted in my first published book, A Life for Barabbas. It was in that story that my psychology background joined my faith in imagining a continuing life for Barabbas, touching historic facts in Christian history.

What about all that? This is how I would describe the process of writing my book, Middle of Nowhere:

“Writing this  was something special. I started out to write a fun, faith, fantasy  for young adults. But, then, it evolved into an allegory of the spiritual journey, with hidden meanings, mysteries, and joyful turns. There were times when the story wrote itself, and I raced to keep up. There were times when tears of both joy and sadness formed as the story enfolded. In its pages is a reference to desert song birds being taught to sing in the dark, inspired only by the spirit within. In that sense, I felt like the song-bird.”

That’s me, the song-bird. Writing from the heart or my spiritual side, my muse, my Higher Power. It took me on an odyssey, not only to the end of that blessed book, but right on into the middle of a related, story. I guess my point is this, we are never too old and it is never too late if we are listening carefully to our inner spirit.

That inner spirit has carried me into daily devotionals, called Watchwords, and essays and books.  What I have said about Middle of Nowhere is that it was the most fun I have ever had writing, but I have been chasing the illusive thought or inspiration most of my adult life. I have learned this lesson: Once that inner spirit speaks, don’t stop until you are proud.  And remember, you are never too old, and it is never too late!”

For What It’s Worth.



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