And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid, you are more valuable to God than I whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:7
Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31
Act Your Age!
Recently, I had a telephone conversation with my sister. She’s my senior by several years which, logically, means she is older, and possibly a smidge wiser. (Don’t quote me!) She lives in a retirement community where she is well-known and well-liked. She has a clear and inquiring mind and, while walking is a serious problem, she cruises around her community on her Jazzy. It seems that she was on her rounds, one day, was distracted, and drove her electric chair over the curb and, as she put it, ‘face-planted’ herself in the street. The result was a week in the hospital.
On the phone she told me that for every day she spent in the hospital she felt a little bit older, and she did not like that feeling. Her vivacious personality took a beating, as did her energy level. She made the astute observation that she felt her age and, darn it, did not like that one bit.
I can relate to her comment, as could most of you who are reading this. I had a wise friend once advise me “don’t let the old man in,” and I think that’s what happens when we give in and begin to act our age. We are flattered when people say ‘I can’t believe you are (this age)’, and we may even get a little puffed up about that. But if we begin to dwell on that number something changes, and “we do not like it one bit.”
As a child we may have heard our parents say to us, act your age! As a parent we may have said act your age! to our children. But there comes a time when acting our age is not constructive to the quality of life that we aspire to.
The Lord may know the numbers of hairs on our head, and our lifespan. I’ve often considered if I knew the day of my death would that change anything, and concluded: I don’t want to know. Living our life as the Lord would have us and paying attention to the leadership of the Holy Spirit within, leads to a quality of life resting on what Jesus has already placed before us: go and do likewise, love others as he loves us, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These are not cliches, these are guidelines for a quality life in Christ. May your days. be long and filled with peace and love. So be it. Amen.
Prayer Based on Solomon’s Prayer (1 Kings 3:7-9):
O Lord my God, you have brought me to this place of service to You, although I am but a little child. I don’t know how to go out or come in with strength and wisdom. And your servant is here in the middle of Your family whom you have chosen. Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to act with wisdom, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to follow Your Edicts in ways that bring glory to You, my Lord. In the name of Your son. Amen