10 This is what the Lord says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:10-14a
“I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me.” Proverbs 8:17
“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” Revelation 3:20
The Real Thing
“This redefines my understanding of what large is!” my grandson said as he stood, for the first time, on the south rim, gazing at the Grand Canyon. It is an overwhelming view. You might have anticipated what you are now taking in, based on pictures, but there is no substituting for the real thing, and the real thing far exceeds what we were prepared to see. It redefines the base thought.
Redefining your meaning or understanding of ‘large’ based on seeing the Grand Canyon, illustrates the difficulty we are faced with when seeking to understand God and God’s word. The difficulty goes far beyond the manner in which the scripture is handed down to us. It actually goes far beyond the multiple definition of words that flows throughout the scripture from Hebrew, Greek and Latin writings. It gets further complicated as we struggle to understand the deeper meaning of the Jesus parables, many which seem simple and make a point, and yet…
We would find it hard to even contemplate the possibility of God having limitations. But, it is our limitations in the reading and understanding of His word. It is not just multiple meanings of words that can lead us astray, it is our assumptions or cultural dictates that assigns meaning which often confuse us. When we believe that we are created in God’s own image what does that mean? Does that mean that God looks a like physical human being? I think not. For me, God is spirit and therefore at our very core, we are Spirit.
Maybe we should leave the deep analysis of scripture words and meaning to those gifted in that area and rest on the simple things that we mortals understand. We need to only to accept the gifts that God has given us of free will. As one theologian has said, “ we will decide where we spend eternity.”
Look at the scripture passages, and note the following: “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you.” There’s that ‘if’ in there, meaning we have the option. Then there is this: Those who search will surely find me. Again, it is not an order, He will be found by those who elect to search.
I hear knocking. And, there it is. He stands at the door and has knocked, so many times. Waiting for us to respond. To hear His voice and open the door. Again, our choice. Always our choice.
It is possible that we focus on reading Scripture, and getting it right, when we should be letting the scripture ‘read’ us. What I mean by that is, that we take the meaning of the scripture into ourselves and in the thoughtful and prayerful digesting of that passage it accomplishes God’s purpose for us at that moment.
Go back to my grandson’s comment. He said it ‘redefines my understanding’, not meaning, but understanding. When we dig into God’s Word, let Him speak to us and bring us understanding of His purpose. Look again at the scripture passages. It is all singular and personal. It is you. It is me. The Creator God sharing a meal and conversation. Amen.
Bulletin Board:
Hearty thanks to Niki Sandlin, architect of this system for Watchwords and my website, It is great! Also, thanks to my daughter, Beth Newcomer, who served as therapist and teacher of basic tech language to her tech-illiterate dad.
It should be noted that today is Beth’s birthday, and tomorrow is my friend Lin’s. Happy happy to both. And thank you Lin, who says she just found the paperback version of my book on Amazon. Yea!
You can now buy A Life for Barabbas in paperback from TouchPoint Press or from Amazon – it’s up to you.
Closing Prayer:
Dear God, As we face these uncertain times in our nation and the world, we ask you, Lord, to dwell among us. We are comforted by the knowledge that You alone are our Savior and Lord, and the ultimate Master of life. We trust our nation to Your loving care, Lord. Send Your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation’s leaders. Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it. Give us Your light and Your truth to guide us in our ways so that we may seek Your will in our lives and impact the world around us for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.