Middle of Nowhere

Cover art from Middle of Nowhere by Stan Escott

It was a magical place that, at first, the children thought only existed in their daydreams. Then as Tom and Sarah created the little village in their sandbox, they began to believe it was a real place. But, where would it be?

From childhood, little did the children know that their actions and conversations were observed, and discussed, by unseen young watchers – angels in training. Now grown up, the two were on a honeymoon adventure in their truck and trailer, over rutted Wyoming roads and through stampedes of wild horses, and wild flowers, seeking a place, they knew existed, a place which they called Middle of Nowhere.

Nudged along by mysterious happenings and characters, Tom and Sarah find the village in a remote and mystical location in the Bighorn Basin. They discover a chapel, abandoned by its pioneer worshippers, that has grown in spiritual power, reflecting Living Light, the transforming love of God. There is a sealed gold mine with a tragic history. Is it haunted? But that is just the beginning. The chapel, the town and the valleys hold many secrets and mysteries, that challenge the couple, as their life journey unfolds.

In the town, the young people meet both human and otherworldly characters, who turn out to be important for them. There is a Sam Eliot-alike cowboy who, mysteriously appears on horseback, and suggests new directions for the couple. There is a wise, cranky, out-spoken woman, a writer and former cattle-drive cook, who lives in the vacant town’s salon and frequently offers wise counsel to help the young people with the details of their unfolding new lives. And, then, again, there is this active presence in the deserted chapel…

They must learn to trust their faith and patience as they discover the valley’s tragic, spiritual and magical history. In this supernatural spiritual adventure in Grand Teton country, we come to see that God’s love is contagious in ways that we do not always understand.

Middle of Nowhere was published in 2022. Order it today – or ask for it at your favorite Christian bookstore.

You can read more about the story of this book in my post, Never Too Late?

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