Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Remember that nursery rhyme?  Five Little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head.  I didn’t realize how indelibly imprinted that rhyme was in my mind until one evening while watching a family movie, reference was made to monkeys jumping on the bed.  And that was like turning on a slideshow of that time in my life when one of my daughters was singing that rhyme.

We all have triggers that opens up pieces of memory past, mostly pleasant memories, has been my experience.  Sometimes memories are part of birthday celebrations, family reunions, or maybe just a special happening in the course of an ordinary day; A hummingbird, just outside your window, that seemed to hang in the air, looking at you, just showing off, or a mountain view, a sunset, a flower garden.

I have come to believe that these flashes of memory, events from the past, that touch us so deeply, are God events. Times brought back to mind which allow us to appreciate even more deeply, than when those events actually were happening. The Holy Spirit saying to us: See the laughter, see the fun, see the love in the flow of your life. All graces that we are reminded have been showered upon us from early days.

Publius Vergilius Maro, known to us as Virgil, was born in northern Italy, seventy years before the birth of Christ. Virgil became known as “Poet to Caesar” and to this day his works are studied and translate from the original Latin. One of his epic poems contains this phrase: “Everything is full of God.”

Everything is full of God. I like that. Everything, is all inclusive, nothing is left out. The day past, the present day, and the day to come, all contain what God has presented. Our ups and downs, yes, those too. Everything. More than that, everything has a purpose. We may not understand it, but God’s purpose is there.

How about memories? Especially those, it is like reliving and renewing the grace that God has given, and what God has giving has no “use by date”, no expiration date. What was, still is, and will be. Did you follow that?

Everything is full of God, even those monkeys jumping on the bed. Each click of the memory shutter has purpose far beyond the moment. Believe it, trust it, God’s blessings, undisguised. Amen.

For What It’s Worth.



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