Smells Like Dirt!

I have a son-in-law, Don, who created and operates a nursery that specializes in succulents and other drought-resistant plants. He started the nursery essentially from scratch and with his creativity and energy has elevated it to one of the finest in Southern California. In my periodic visits I have watched the evolution of this nursery from a 5-acre empty lot into a beautiful, visitor-friendly garden, filled with luscious plants, and vivid colors. (See Continue reading

One Flock?

For more than 45 years, since I committed my life to Christ, I have struggled with the question of One God.  Not as it applies to Christianity, on that I am clear.  But One God for Christians and Jews, and Muslims?  Same God?  Yes?  No?  If you believe in one God, and one God for all, then Yes, the same God.  But…

I am not a theologian, nor have I studied at length the scriptures.  I have been involved for many years in various Bible studies, as well as studies of commentaries and sermons of some of the greats of Christianity, such as Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon and others.  For the most part, the group discussions and sharing have been very helpful, interesting and stimulating.  But, nevertheless the struggle on this one issue continues. Continue reading


Are you a storyteller?

A good friend of mine has been a storyteller all his life, and he has used that talent to communicate humor and interesting ideas, all with a moral.  He has for many years, journeyed, on a weekly basis, 40 miles to the children’s cancer ward of the nearby hospital where he would share his stories and amaze the children with his magic act.  He has shared his talent at our church as a lay minister and has given the children’s message with his stories.  His is a talent we all seem to admire. Continue reading

12:01 a.m. 1/1/15

Times Square.  Packed with crazy, happy people, just waiting for that ball to drop — the moment 2014 turns into 2015.  A transition from one year that held both successes and failures, into a new year filled with hopes, promises and expectations.

Over your life span, where were you at that point in time when you left one year behind in favor of a new one?  Did that new one turn out as you had hoped, as you expected?  No?  Yes? Continue reading

Faith Thoughts: 103

(Post 3 of 3)

Faith and the “real” world.  How does that work?

A few years ago, two of the Men’s Bible Study groups that I am apart of were looking at Islam.  In one I was confronted with a sense of fear, a fear that for all intent and purpose has prevented a clear and unfettered discussion of Islam.  I failed to keep the conversation focused for there seemed to be such a closed mind, which surprised me. All my brothers seem to be able to concentrate on is violence and what they see as “Allah, the avenger”, out to kill all infidels (Christians, Jews, etc.).  A very frustrating discussion. Continue reading

Faith Thoughts: 102

(Post 2 of 3)

What about the Resurrection?

Christianity without the Resurrection?  I don’t believe so.  Simply put, in my mind, without the Resurrection there is no Christianity!  My wife and I came to believe that, during those early years which we refer to as the real beginning of our Christian walk.  If we could not believe in the Resurrection, then we could not be Christians.  That remains central to our faith.

As I tried to recall the years of my youth, the hundreds of church services I attended (usually under duress), the hundreds of dad’s sermons heard, slept through, and also read, I did not grasp the importance of the Resurrection, which I feel is so key now.  I do see Dad’s emphasis on the ministry of Christ, the power that belief brings to good works, the sense of being a “good” person, and the lessons that Christ’s life teaches us.  But the Resurrection?  Not so much. Continue reading

Faith Thoughts: 101

(Post 1 of 3)

Some years ago I set out to write a “brief” statement of my faith that I could share with my children.  At that time they were adults in their 30’s and who, probably, had a fairly well-formed idea of “religion”, faith and all that “stuff”.  That “brief” statement ended up not being brief at all.  So what follows here, and two other blogs, are faith points that are important for me and are offered here for your consideration.

Over the years I have resolved to have conversations with my children about faith and what I believe, but the time has never seemed right.  Over those years I flirted with that topic, have implied some, have lived out some, but never really gotten into it.  Maybe I was a little fearful, wanting to “say it right” but concerned that it might come out incomplete, or incoherent, or sounding like I’m proselytizing!  But the reality of it is that I probably communicated more than I know. Continue reading

My Mother

My last recollection of Mother was when the three of us were visiting my sisters in Colorado.  Dad and I had gone for a long walk and he told me that Mother was worried about cancer.  She had some tests before they left for Colorado and was awaiting the results. There had been a lot of cancer in her family background and this worried her.

While I was concerned about my mother’s health, there had always been a bit of a gulf between us.  It was always “Mother” and never “Mom”, although for my older sisters, it was always “Mom”.  I was the “baby” of the family and I suppose I was spoiled, especially in the eyes of my sisters.  I don’t recall ever feeling that I was given special treatment but I know I was teased about it, which was upsetting. Continue reading

A Perfect Gift

We are well into the holiday season and Christmas is just a few weeks away.  I have been giving that a lot of thought, recalling those Christmas morning as a child and all the wonder and excitement.  Then I flash to mornings with my own children and relive those memories.

Another thought occurs to me:  Those mornings as a child, what did I learn?   What did I take away from the experience?  I have the same question about my own children’s experience.  What was their impression of those times?  What did they learn?  What did they take away that is now a part of their lives and the lives of our grandchildren? Continue reading

Taking Inventory

I never got around to making a Bucket List.  I guess I was just too busy living to take the time.  What I do have are those things, events, accomplishments, etc. that I actually did that might have appeared on my Bucket List, had I taken the time earlier to do that.  What I am left with is a kind of Blessings List, markers that we were there, we left our footprints, and we are left with great memories. Continue reading

Life Interrupted

Passing by on the other side.  How many of us have done that over the years?  Maybe not as dramatically as the parable that Jesus tells, but nevertheless real.  Passing by on the other side is an easy way out.  It is similar to saying I haven’t got time to do this, or I am not qualified, or maybe I could get sued, or better yet, I might get dirty.  Indeed!

Whatever the reason, passing by on the other side is a standard.  We all have done it at one time or another.  We divert our eyes, we cross over to the other side of the street. We don’t want to be inconvenienced and we are not sure we want to get involved in another’s trouble. Continue reading