(Post 2 of 3)
What about the Resurrection?
Christianity without the Resurrection? I don’t believe so. Simply put, in my mind, without the Resurrection there is no Christianity! My wife and I came to believe that, during those early years which we refer to as the real beginning of our Christian walk. If we could not believe in the Resurrection, then we could not be Christians. That remains central to our faith.
As I tried to recall the years of my youth, the hundreds of church services I attended (usually under duress), the hundreds of dad’s sermons heard, slept through, and also read, I did not grasp the importance of the Resurrection, which I feel is so key now. I do see Dad’s emphasis on the ministry of Christ, the power that belief brings to good works, the sense of being a “good” person, and the lessons that Christ’s life teaches us. But the Resurrection? Not so much. Continue reading