Browse the blog posts going back to 2014 – and we also have a Watchwords archive.
- Terry Tyrannosaurus and … $1.50 per day? (4/18/2014) - Way back before the invention of the printing press, I was a young father. As many young fathers often do, I invented some bedtime stories for my young children. While I am not much of a bedtime story inventor, I did come up with a few that both my daughter... Continue reading
- Holy Week – Fresh and New (4/14/2014) - Here we are in the midst of Holy Week, that important time for the Christian Church between Passion or Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. A solemn time, commemorating the events of Christ’s journey to the Cross and the Easter Sunday celebration of the Resurrection. We listen to readings from Matthew... Continue reading
- What’s on Your Kindle? (4/10/2014) - What is on your Kindle (Nook, iPod, etc.)? Isn’t it surprising how we accumulate books – books read, sampled, referenced, unfinished? What does the array of titles tell us about who we are? You don’t need to be an analyst to see patterns. I took a chance… I inventoried my... Continue reading
- Poverty and We (4/4/2014) - How many of us really know what it is like to be deep in poverty? Where hunger lurks just over your shoulder, and feeding your children often requires that you park your dignity at a door where you never quite get it back? Have you stood in a grocery line... Continue reading
- What Is a Heifer? (3/31/2014) - For a good number of years my wife and me had the most satisfying volunteer experience of our lives…We served as a volunteer (“Vol”) at Heifer International Learning Center at Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Ark. We did not know what we were getting into when we first stopped at the... Continue reading
- Hot Wheels, Love and Giving (3/28/2014) - In Rachel Remen’s book “My Grandfather’s Blessings” she tells of playing Hot Wheels with her 6-year-old nephew, Kenny. Kenny had two of the little cars and they had a great time with imaginary traffic events, and crashes, and drives along the cliff edge, the window sill. An oil company’s promotion... Continue reading
- Disappointment in (3/22/2014) - When I was a younger man, one of the things I liked about golf is the feeling that I got when I have a really good round! One of the things I didn’t like about golf was the feeling that I got when I have a really bad round after... Continue reading
- Fear, Love and an Angel (3/18/2014) - As I write this blog a friend, I’ll call her Mary, is going through a double mastectomy. I can’t imagine what Mary has been going through these past days right up to this day and this moment. Even with a heart attack and nine surgeries of my own, including part... Continue reading
- Just When You Aren’t Expecting It – A Nudge from the Past (3/14/2014) - The following scribbling was written about 1970 in my “den”, a 1955 Yellowstone travel trailer. “The Unfamiliar” has survived three moves and a lot more on the back of a Terry Andréa State Park map (Wisconsin). Funny how you write something in one set of emotions, then decades later read... Continue reading
- Immortality (?) Reprised (3/9/2014) - Referencing my previous Blog “Are You Immortal” — Totally apart from C.S. Lewis, the Olympics (now history, thankfully), those pesky ancient Greeks, or even the “direction” you and I are headed, should we really be concerned about immortality? Continue reading
- Waiting for Spring (3/7/2014) - The beautiful tulips that has adorned my blog header recently was there to remind us that sometime (months from now?) the snow will be gone and the beauty of the sleeping world will take center stage. I am reminded of a line from Bette Midler’s hit “The Rose” which speaks... Continue reading
- What Does That Mean? (3/3/2014) - Are you a literalist when it comes to the Christian Bible? Does a friend challenge you that the King James Version is the only “true” translation of Holy scripture when you are reading from the NIV or perhaps the Living Bible? Do you bristle when someone says to you that... Continue reading