Browse the blog posts going back to 2014 – and we also have a Watchwords archive.
- Taste and See (12/31/2016) - Have you ever been invited to a real feast? I mean an incredible feast where you walk into the dining room and there before you a beautiful buffet. You are overwhelmed by the wonderful smells that surround you as you walk by the table. The au deurves! The aroma is so... Continue reading
- Book 14 and Pastor Noah Tal (12/29/2016) - Here is a little story for your consideration: In the adult Sunday School class, Pastor, Noah Tal, was on fire, really into his message from God. We knew that God spoke to Pastor Tal, he had made that clear in his books. He had explained that God had shared with him parts... Continue reading
- Will They Know We Are Christians… (12/28/2016) - Derek Hill, member of the leadership team for the Bible Society Group of Great Britain, has an article on the “What Christians Want To Know” website entitled “Doers of The Word: 6 Tips to Living Out Your Faith”. Hill does not imply that his six tips are the “keys to the kingdom”, but... Continue reading
- Thanksgiving 2016 (11/17/2016) - Tuesday, November 8, 2016 the world came to an end! Christ returned and God’s wrath is being visited upon all of us! The Russians are coming! We elected satan! No, no, no, no! None of those things are true, not even close! But, why am I afraid? Why do I have... Continue reading
- The Voice of God? (11/16/2016) - What does the voice of God sound like to you? Have you ever heard it? How do you hear it? Under what circumstances? Did the voice seem familiar? Perhaps you thought it was just your conscience giving you trouble. Had you heard it before? Can you sort out God’s voice... Continue reading
- On Your Faith Journey (11/12/2016) - When was the last time you examined the elements of your faith journey? You know, those ups and downs, that inspirational moment when an event or a sermon, or some Bible study made a real difference. Maybe it was a crisis in your life or the life of your family.... Continue reading
- I’m Simply Grand! (10/25/2016) - I know that the following will seem like a silly bit of prose, but beneath that silliness is something to considered. When do we fail to take responsibility? When does our arrogance and self-righteousness color and detract from our qualities? When does “not my responsibility” blind us to the needs of... Continue reading
- To a Cancer Survivor (10/11/2016) - A letter to a cancer survivor from one just diagnosed with lung cancer, June, 2014. Hope you had a great time camping with the kids. I know they look forward to those trips and time away from the daily routine is important. Especially after all that you have been through.... Continue reading
- The Haircut and Other Memories (8/16/2016) - Recently I re-published an essay about my mother that I had written some two years before. I had as hard time getting started with that essay because of my relationship with her was difficult on occasion, but then resistance faded away and there was my essay, my tribute to my mother.... Continue reading
- Is It Me? Is It You? (8/11/2016) - For more than ten years my church has struggled, mostly trying to catch up to and match those halcyon years of the past that we seem to hold out as the “golden age”, a time when everything seemed to be going right. It is hard to realize that those specific years, and... Continue reading
- Deception (8/4/2016) - I can hardly wait for the polls to come out! Are we gaining on “them”? Are they gaining on “us”? Last time we gained a whole point, now we are only 17 points behind. Is that a trend? I can hardly wait for the polls to be announced! Silly? Have... Continue reading
- Apolitical Fantasy (7/22/2016) - For those of us who have binged on the speeches and talking heads of the Republican Convention, my sympathies go out to all of us. Maybe it was fatigue, maybe it was a little outrage, maybe it was a carryover from my study of Revelation, but last night, at some... Continue reading