Here I Stand 1

Some years ago I set out to write a “brief” statement of my faith that I would share with my children.  At that time they were adults in their 30’s and who, probably, had a fairly well-formed idea of “religion”, faith and all that “stuff”.

Over the years I have resolved to have conversations with them about faith and what I believe, but the time has never seemed right.  Over those years I flirted with that topic, have implied some, have lived out some, but never really gotten into it.  Maybe I was a little fearful, wanting to “say it right” but concerned that it might come out incomplete, or incoherent, or sounding like I’m proselytizing! Continue reading

Four Score and Seven Years Ago

One Hundred Fifty-nine years ago, on this date, November 19, in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln stood on the bloodied ground of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and delivered a brief, but memorable address of national unity. Many, reading this essay, have vivid memories of having to memorize the speech, maybe when you were in the eighth grade. For me, memorization was never fun!

While the address was given 159 years ago, there are elements of Lincoln’s words that are relevant today. Throughout the Bible there are multiple references to the clash between the forces of  good and evil; Adam and Eve in The Garden, David and Goliath, Jesus in the wilderness, etc. I venture to say that where good exists, evil will be lurking around the corner to cast truth in the shade of darkness. Continue reading

In Their Shoes, Imagined

He’s dead! I thought He would live forever. He was to be our Savior, our new King who would lead us to freedom. Just this week we saw Him bring Lazarus back to life…why could He not save himself?  I don’t know what to do! I don’t know where to go! I don’t know what to believe. He made so many promises, and now He is gone!

I couldn’t be there. I couldn’t watch. He was my friend, my Lord and now He is gone! I stayed with my brother, Peter. He was so upset. He thinks he was the reason that our Jesus was crucified. He and James, and I think Philip, are planning to go back to Capernaum. I should go with them, too. Staying here is not safe. Continue reading

A Layman’s Letter to Churches — Being Christian Ain’t Easy

There is a story of a young Salvation Army girl in Scotland who approached a stranger on the street and asked if he were a Christian. He turned an angry and stern face toward her, and replied, “Young lady, I am a professor of theology! Of course, I’m a Christian!”  To which she quietly responded, while walking away, “What a face for a Christian!”

As we read the book of Acts, and in other scripture passages, we have a general record of the earliest Christian communities. Jesus’ teachings and his popularity upset the Jewish hierarchy, which led to angry encounters on the streets of Jerusalem, and that upset the Romans. Continue reading

Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Remember that nursery rhyme?  Five Little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head.  I didn’t realize how indelibly imprinted that rhyme was in my mind until one evening while watching a family movie, reference was made to monkeys jumping on the bed.  And that was like turning on a slideshow of that time in my life when one of my daughters was singing that rhyme.

We all have triggers that opens up pieces of memory past, mostly pleasant memories, has been my experience.  Sometimes memories are part of birthday celebrations, family reunions, or maybe just a special happening in the course of an ordinary day; A hummingbird, just outside your window, that seemed to hang in the air, looking at you, just showing off, or a mountain view, a sunset, a flower garden. Continue reading

Scripture Assumptions

Here is a children’s sermon message that illustrates a point:  Pastor: “What has four legs, scampers around on tree limbs, and has a big bushy tail?” No answer from the children.  A clue is offered, “It likes nuts!” Finally after a lengthy period of silence one small boy tentatively raises his hand and says: “I know the answer is Jesus Christ, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me.” Continue reading

Truth and Life

And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life…”  John 14:6

What is truth? Steve Brown tells us that truth, real truth, is a hard taskmaster. You know with truth, there is no wiggle room, no way to hedge the bet.  No way to hide or duck it. Truth is true because it’s…true.”

If you speak the truth, the real truth, in all circumstances, do you wonder how people would react? One skeptic has said that “It’s a sure way to lose friends and irritate people.” Continue reading


Wouldn’t you agree that the most common theme at this sacred time of year is love. Love in all its forms, settings, worship, family. Love. A gift, a grace, a blessing, a joy.

We love our husband or wife, or that special person in our life. We love our children, and our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren, and all our family, extended beyond blood. We love our animals, sunsets, oceans, reunions, lakes, mountains, and dreams. I love to write, to read, to travel, to love. You, too, have loves of your own. We are created to love, you and me. Continue reading

Book 14 and Pastor Noah Tal

Here is a little story for your consideration:

In the adult Sunday School class, Pastor, Noah Tal, was on fire, really into his message from God. We knew that God spoke to Pastor Tal, he had made that clear in his books. He had explained that God had shared with him parts of God’s complicated message. It is a message that Pastor Tal had passed onto us in a series of books which he called “God’s Plan Revealed”. Continue reading

Annoying Grace?

Not long ago, Philip Gulley, author and theologian, spoke in our church on the topic of grace, God’s grace.  His talk was engaging, humourous, and filled with both current and ancient examples of grace in action.  While I will not quote specifics of Gulley’s talk, I did have a visceral reaction that caused me to consider a negative side of grace when applied to our self-centered society. Continue reading

Simple Generosity!

Soon a new year will begin, full of hope and opportunities. As my wife and I put a difficult year behind us, our thoughts turn with gratitude to what it really means to be generous, for the giver and receiver.

I believe it takes a certain amount of grace to be the recipient of the generosity of others. Having been on the receiving end of so much generosity this year, we know that the tiniest gesture is so very large and helpful. Continue reading