
Determined Faith


Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen. 6 Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:1-3,6



Determined Faith

Lenten Message: Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

When we read Hebrews chapter 11 we find ourselves in a history lesson, but more than that. As we read through the chapter we encounter nearly 20 references to “It was by faith…”, and we understand that faith in God, trust in God, is key to understanding God’s lesson.

Question: Do you trust God with your tomorrow? Seriously, do we have a “determined faith”, one that trusts God’s promises to us, and cause us to live according to that belief? We are to keep God’s covenant. How have we done that, or failed to do that?  Could we say it is by faith that we act this way each moment of this day? With my family? At work? At the grocery store? In the halls of my retirement Home? It is by faith that I no longer worry. Really? You no longer worry?

It occurs to me that’s there’s a big difference between what we believe and how we trust God.  There’s a big difference between belief and truth in our everyday life. It was by faith…

Question:  Does our belief or faith inform our understanding of the truth? Or, does our understanding of the truth, inform our belief or faith? Examine yourself. Are there lies that tend to inform, or influence our belief?  That requires some real soul-searching and honesty.

You know the story found in Genesis 22 where God is testing Abraham, and instructs him to take Isaac to a certain place and offer him as a blood sacrifice to the Lord. There is one thing that we know about Abraham, and that is that he believed God. He knew what God told him, earlier, that through him would come a mighty people. Yet, believing God and living that belief must have been one of the hardest things this old man could do. But he followed, he lifted the knife to slay his son, until God stepped in. It was by faith…

Question: Does Satan talk to you? Do you even believe in the existence of a devil?  I happen to believe that Satan does speak to me, and probably to you, as well. You have to listen very carefully because the voice sounds suspiciously like your own inner voice, you know the one you might ascribe to your conscience.

I recently heard a sermon on the existence of Satan, and the pastor outlined Satan’s 3-step plan to undermine our lives.

1)  Satan tries to create doubt in our mind about doing the right thing. Little, practical things, like: “It’s raining, do it tomorrow.” “Are you sure you can afford it?” “You want to go to the hospital to visit? Do you know the risk you will be taking? Besides, will they let you visit?” and on it goes, one whispered voice after another.

2) Once doubt has been planted, then comes reasonable, common sense arguments; “Sure, you can go, but what do you think will be accomplished?  “You know you’re always uncomfortable in the hospital”. “You put your money into that charity, how do you know what their administrative overhead is. You’re probably just padding the pockets of administrators.” and so that argument goes.

3) Satan appeals to your passions, even your hidden lusts. The value you place on your comfort level or the desires you may have for another, or your bank account, or your time with your children, or the work you have to do for the church, or your garden needs tending. One thing after another, things that you would rather do, then the often awkward and uncomfortable task of doing the ‘right thing’. And Satan smiles with glee.

Okay, here’s a final, rather impolite question I ask myself: Stan, what god are you worshipping today? Is the idol your MacBook? Are you worshipping the words you claim flow from inspiration? Has the good Lord inspired you to take a walk, to reach out to neighbors? Has your Lord inspired you to keep in touch with hurting friends?  What has your “common sense” advised you? Did I just hear Satan chuckle?

Listen, those aren’t just questions about idol worship for me to consider. You have your own, identical set of questions. Paul, in his First letter to the Corinthians, challenges us to run the race given us to win, no short-cuts, to be a true believer. To practice what the Lord has been instructing. To make our faith a determined and committed faith. Your personal comfort, your common sense, is a cute, friendly little puppy dog that you love beyond reason, whose demands test you to the limit.  He leads you astray, …whatcha goin’ ta do? It was by faith…

Tough love, like training a puppy, is by its very nature, love, pure and simple, but determined to do right, and not be distracted by the whispered voice of misplaced kindness or common sense. It was by faith… 


The Serenity Prayer:

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Amen.


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