Moment by Moment

This is the day the Lord made and I’m glad. Sure enough, just look at the sky! Oh, my goodness – Carolina-blue broken up with little puffs of white, lookin’ all the world like a Colorado mountain top. It must be close to 70° out, and the breeze, perfumed by fresh-cut grass, is heaven scented, make that Heaven-sent.

I drive slowly out into the country with the windows down, taking all this in, lovin’ every minute of it, just to retrieve a bag of the best lettuce in the county. It’s an errand into the blessings of the Lord. Yes, what a day! This really is the day that the Lord has made. I certainly am rejoicin’ and my lil’ ole heart is feelin’ real glad-like.

As I write this the rain is pouring down, the wind is blowing and I think I just heard thunder. In my mind a rainy day has beauty of its own, often with just the touch of the perfume of ozone. My German grandpa Davis would say, without even a smile, “Tis rainin’ cats and dawgs. Careful young man you don’t step on a poodle.” He would stare at me for a long moment, and walk away, and I could hear him chuckling. I would just roll my eyes, I’d heard that many times.

Those moments in our lives that may not seem like much, but we recall them, fondly: A day in Door County, on a pontoon boat loaded with my kids and their friends, I powered into a wave and almost scuttled the darn thing to screams and laughter. Sixteen bikes on the deck of a rental in Crystal Mountain, Michigan and what they represented.

Memorial services that remind us of lives of value that mattered to each of us, and while it leaves us melancholy, the memories are worth the tears. Blessed times often blind us to adversity.

Yes, it is raining now, but there are those other days, those perfect days coming. We know that and we know we are blessed. Moments throughout our life-time that stick with us, some are funny, some are just plain ridiculous, some are like that perfect day, or the remembrance of a loved one.

God never leaves us. We know that when we get up every morning. We may look out on a gloomy day, with hard work and difficult times ahead for us, but this is the day that God created just for times like that. This is when thankfulness floods our souls with peace and joy, knowing we are His. Bring on the day! Amen.

For What It’s Worth.



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