So, Help Me, Fred! 

 The little boy was good in church. He was quiet. He sometimes listened to what his daddy was saying from the pulpit. There were times when he nodded off or colored the book his mom brought for him. Recently, he heard something that was a little confusing to his three-year-old mind. He knew his name and the name of his older sister, and he was learning the name of Jesus, but what his daddy was saying made him wonder; so, he listened, and he remembered.  Continue reading

A Layman’s Letter to Churches – Alone But Never Alone

Joni Erickson Tada wrote and performed a wonderful song, Alone But Not Alone, that made its way to the top of the Christian music charts and into a movie by that same name. When I listen to the words and the music of that song I cannot help but be reminded how true it is.

At a most crucial time in the life of Jesus, as a man walking the earth, facing eminent crucifixion, He asked God the Father to give all believers the Holy Spirit, as a Friend and Guide. And so, in reality, we may feel we are alone, but if our faith is strong, there’s no question that our Helper, the Holy Spirit, is there with us. As close as a brother or sister, sharing wisdom and strength. Continue reading

A Layman’s Letter to Churches — Being Christian Ain’t Easy

There is a story of a young Salvation Army girl in Scotland who approached a stranger on the street and asked if he were a Christian. He turned an angry and stern face toward her, and replied, “Young lady, I am a professor of theology! Of course, I’m a Christian!”  To which she quietly responded, while walking away, “What a face for a Christian!”

As we read the book of Acts, and in other scripture passages, we have a general record of the earliest Christian communities. Jesus’ teachings and his popularity upset the Jewish hierarchy, which led to angry encounters on the streets of Jerusalem, and that upset the Romans. Continue reading

Touched by Grace

In the course of our lives we will be touched by the passing of a friend or loved one.  We attend funerals and memorial services of those we love and respect, and are reminded of their quality, there importance in our lives and in the lives of the family.  We struggled to find the right words to say and maybe, because of our own experience, we know that the most important thing is your presence and support. Words are not crucial.

Over the past six weeks, I attended, participated in, or otherwise supported the memorial services for three members of my family and one friend and colleague. Each was a Celebration of Life and at each we heard story after story of the quality of that person, how they impacted so many lives. With each story, the thought may have occurred to some, I may not have known them as much as I such have. Our loss, adding to our grief. Continue reading

Small Minds

I wonder if we have a problem between our opinion, free will and simple, clear facts?  This is true whether we are thinking secular or religious. Conflicts have brought stress and divisions, have taken away from the building up of our nation and our own spiritual growth.

It seems we just can’t learn. God tells us that religion is man-made, but he says we need to learn from each one, for each is unique and has value. But, what do we do?  Continue reading

Good Morning, Lord

I awaken. It is still dark and very quiet. I look at the clock – 1:55 a.m.  I, sigh, turn over, and snuggle down into the warmth of my bed, trying to return to sleep, but it evades me. My mind is at work, a left-over thought from yesterday, or a new one for today? I quiet my mind and try some tricks of relaxation… nothing. After a time, I roll over, look, again, at the clock — 2:12 a.m. I finally accept the fact that I am wide awake. To what purpose?

Somewhere in those 17 minutes of wakefulness my mind turns to Jesus in gratitude for just being Lord, or, perhaps, He can help me return to sleep. No, there is something else. I reach over, turn on the bed-side lamp — my day begins. Continue reading

Mayfield, Kentucky, and the New Year

The tornado struck Mayfield Kentucky late afternoon, December 10, 2021. At the time of this writing, we did not know what the final death toll would be, but the devastation was stunning. They called it an EF 4, and there have only been five that severe since they started keeping records. I’m not sure what EF stands for but it’s easy to see what it means.

Since then, Christian and non-Christian organizations, neighboring towns, governments, individuals, responded, digging deeply into their hearts and into their purses to help with the devastation.  We can find multiple scripture passages that reflect what we should be doing. We hear Jesus telling us in no uncertain terms that we need to respond. That we need to go and do likewise.  Since our youth we have been hearing “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and now we are called upon to do just that. Continue reading

Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Remember that nursery rhyme?  Five Little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head.  I didn’t realize how indelibly imprinted that rhyme was in my mind until one evening while watching a family movie, reference was made to monkeys jumping on the bed.  And that was like turning on a slideshow of that time in my life when one of my daughters was singing that rhyme.

We all have triggers that opens up pieces of memory past, mostly pleasant memories, has been my experience.  Sometimes memories are part of birthday celebrations, family reunions, or maybe just a special happening in the course of an ordinary day; A hummingbird, just outside your window, that seemed to hang in the air, looking at you, just showing off, or a mountain view, a sunset, a flower garden. Continue reading

Truth and Life

And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life…”  John 14:6

What is truth? Steve Brown tells us that truth, real truth, is a hard taskmaster. You know with truth, there is no wiggle room, no way to hedge the bet.  No way to hide or duck it. Truth is true because it’s…true.”

If you speak the truth, the real truth, in all circumstances, do you wonder how people would react? One skeptic has said that “It’s a sure way to lose friends and irritate people.” Continue reading

God’s Love

For nearly 35 years I’ve been a member of a number of Bible study groups. Over those years, we have studied most of the New Testament and many of the Old Testament books.  We have been fairly thorough, using multiple commentaries, digging deeply, trying to understand the vision and God’s message contained in each passage. It has been exciting and enlightening and, while we still continue on, there is a building sense of what God is saying to us. Continue reading

Can’t Stop Singing

One is never ready for the feeling that, with the death of your loved one, love has gone out of your life. Even a five-year advance notice in a terminal illness does nothing to assuage the pain of loss. In grief, breathing remains labored and tears sneak up without warning. It is a grinding that no amount of support seems to lessen.

But, where had happiness gone? Why was it so hard to be in the moment, just to smile, to laugh, to share stories with friends? There was an emptiness that continued month after month, relentlessly, sad and without color. The memory of her remains, much like the perfume of flowers that lingers long after the flowers are gone and then, over time: Continue reading

Moment by Moment

This is the day the Lord made and I’m glad. Sure enough, just look at the sky! Oh, my goodness – Carolina-blue broken up with little puffs of white, lookin’ all the world like a Colorado mountain top. It must be close to 70° out, and the breeze, perfumed by fresh-cut grass, is heaven scented, make that Heaven-sent.

I drive slowly out into the country with the windows down, taking all this in, lovin’ every minute of it, just to retrieve a bag of the best lettuce in the county. It’s an errand into the blessings of the Lord. Yes, what a day! This really is the day that the Lord has made. I certainly am rejoicin’ and my lil’ ole heart is feelin’ real glad-like. Continue reading