Mayfield, Kentucky, and the New Year

The tornado struck Mayfield Kentucky late afternoon, December 10, 2021. At the time of this writing, we did not know what the final death toll would be, but the devastation was stunning. They called it an EF 4, and there have only been five that severe since they started keeping records. I’m not sure what EF stands for but it’s easy to see what it means.

Since then, Christian and non-Christian organizations, neighboring towns, governments, individuals, responded, digging deeply into their hearts and into their purses to help with the devastation.  We can find multiple scripture passages that reflect what we should be doing. We hear Jesus telling us in no uncertain terms that we need to respond. That we need to go and do likewise.  Since our youth we have been hearing “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and now we are called upon to do just that. Continue reading

Christmas Gift

Can you recall that moment when early in the morning you crept around the corner and, there before your eyes was an amazing sight, one you did not expect.  Oh, yes, you knew the tree would be there, but, in your child’s mind, you simply could not process all the gifts beneath the tree.

I can recall that moment.  I knew the tree was there.  After all I had help decorate it.  I had helped string colored popcorn into garlands, and craft paper strips into chains, and these constituted some of the tree decorations.   I can still hear my older sister scold me, repeatedly, “don’t just throw tinsel at the tree, hang each on a limb”.  But I was this little child and I wanted to get the decorating done and get on to the fun part. Continue reading

To Commit or Resist

Over the years, a close friend and critic (my daughter), has given me several books on the creative process, books by interesting authors she has known, including a self-directed workshop book that promised to make an artist out of me.  And all the while sending me messages or thought-o-grams that said “Dad, start writing!”  Well, finally, I did!

One of her gifts to me is a book entitled The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield.  He’s the guy that wrote “The Legend of Bagger Vance”, my favorite golf tale.  I have to admit that my first reaction to receiving Steve’s book was a deep sigh and a roll of my eyes.  However, reviewers really like this book, calling it “powerful”, “cogent”, “smart”, “a vital gem”, and, to quote Esquire, “…a kick in the ass.” So, I began to read and started an interesting journey into what causes me to write or not! Continue reading

The Foot-Locker

It was the middle of December, 1952, when my remarkable year of discovery came crashing to an end. So many things had happened since my high school graduation and my years in college. High school had been unhappy time for me and as I thought about going to college, my Youth Pastor, took me aside and shared some sage advice: “College is a new start, Stanley. What you may have thought of yourself up to this point, is behind you. What is through that new door is anything you want to make it. You can be who you want to be. Don’t take with you anything dark that you imagine you used to be. Be the one you want to be.” Continue reading

Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Remember that nursery rhyme?  Five Little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head.  I didn’t realize how indelibly imprinted that rhyme was in my mind until one evening while watching a family movie, reference was made to monkeys jumping on the bed.  And that was like turning on a slideshow of that time in my life when one of my daughters was singing that rhyme.

We all have triggers that opens up pieces of memory past, mostly pleasant memories, has been my experience.  Sometimes memories are part of birthday celebrations, family reunions, or maybe just a special happening in the course of an ordinary day; A hummingbird, just outside your window, that seemed to hang in the air, looking at you, just showing off, or a mountain view, a sunset, a flower garden. Continue reading

That Worship Service

Three teenagers in an old car, heading for the beaches of Florida. I was 17 and we had just graduated from high school. Two PKs, preacher kids, and one we called “the ringer” had slept in our car at a rest stop. We had grabbed breakfast at a Stuckey’s somewhere in Dodge County, Georgia. As we stood in the parking lot, we could hear singing coming from an old church nearby, and were reminded it was Sunday. We looked at one another, then crossed the road and walked in. Continue reading

Scripture Assumptions

Here is a children’s sermon message that illustrates a point:  Pastor: “What has four legs, scampers around on tree limbs, and has a big bushy tail?” No answer from the children.  A clue is offered, “It likes nuts!” Finally after a lengthy period of silence one small boy tentatively raises his hand and says: “I know the answer is Jesus Christ, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me.” Continue reading

Truth and Life

And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life…”  John 14:6

What is truth? Steve Brown tells us that truth, real truth, is a hard taskmaster. You know with truth, there is no wiggle room, no way to hedge the bet.  No way to hide or duck it. Truth is true because it’s…true.”

If you speak the truth, the real truth, in all circumstances, do you wonder how people would react? One skeptic has said that “It’s a sure way to lose friends and irritate people.” Continue reading

God’s Love

For nearly 35 years I’ve been a member of a number of Bible study groups. Over those years, we have studied most of the New Testament and many of the Old Testament books.  We have been fairly thorough, using multiple commentaries, digging deeply, trying to understand the vision and God’s message contained in each passage. It has been exciting and enlightening and, while we still continue on, there is a building sense of what God is saying to us. Continue reading

Can’t Stop Singing

One is never ready for the feeling that, with the death of your loved one, love has gone out of your life. Even a five-year advance notice in a terminal illness does nothing to assuage the pain of loss. In grief, breathing remains labored and tears sneak up without warning. It is a grinding that no amount of support seems to lessen.

But, where had happiness gone? Why was it so hard to be in the moment, just to smile, to laugh, to share stories with friends? There was an emptiness that continued month after month, relentlessly, sad and without color. The memory of her remains, much like the perfume of flowers that lingers long after the flowers are gone and then, over time: Continue reading

Moment by Moment

This is the day the Lord made and I’m glad. Sure enough, just look at the sky! Oh, my goodness – Carolina-blue broken up with little puffs of white, lookin’ all the world like a Colorado mountain top. It must be close to 70° out, and the breeze, perfumed by fresh-cut grass, is heaven scented, make that Heaven-sent.

I drive slowly out into the country with the windows down, taking all this in, lovin’ every minute of it, just to retrieve a bag of the best lettuce in the county. It’s an errand into the blessings of the Lord. Yes, what a day! This really is the day that the Lord has made. I certainly am rejoicin’ and my lil’ ole heart is feelin’ real glad-like. Continue reading

Are You a Storyteller?

Are you a storyteller?

My good friend, Mac, has been a storyteller all his life.  He has used that talent to communicate humor and interesting ideas, all with a moral, all with a lesson to be learned.  Mac has for many years, journeyed, on a weekly basis, to the children’s cancer ward of Lutheran Hospital where he shares his stories and amazes the children with his magic acts.  He has shared his talent from the pulpit as a lay minister and has given the children’s message with his stories.  His is a talent we admire. Continue reading